/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //INsanes MOH VER 2 ...updated 16 MAR 2007 Standard fonts. // Tracker scheme resource file Note: Color to try areas "255 25 252 200" // // // sections: // Colors - all the colors used by the scheme // BaseSettings - contains settings for app to use to draw controls // Fonts - list of all the fonts used by app // Borders - description of all the borders // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Scheme { //////////////////////// COLORS /////////////////////////// // color details // this is a list of all the colors used by the scheme Colors { // base colors "White" "255 255 255 255" "OffWhite" "216 216 216 255" "DullWhite" "45 50 50 200" //"0 0 0 150" // "142 142 142 255" adjust frame color "240 207 78 255" "Orange" "255 155 0 255" "TransparentBlack" "0 0 0 128" //"0 0 0 128" "Black" "0 0 0 255" "Blank" "0 0 0 0" } ///////////////////// BASE SETTINGS //////////////////////// // // default settings for all panels // controls use these to determine their settings BaseSettings { // vgui_controls color specifications Border.Bright "200 200 200 196" // the lit side of a control ... the top and left border line. Border.Dark "200 200 200 196" //"40 40 40 196" // the dark/unlit side of a control, make same as Border.Bright looks ok Border.Selection "0 0 0 196" // the additional border color for displaying the default/selected button Button.TextColor "White" Button.BgColor "Blank" Button.ArmedTextColor "White" Button.ArmedBgColor "Blank" [$WIN32] Button.ArmedBgColor "190 115 0 255" [$X360] Button.DepressedTextColor "White" Button.DepressedBgColor "Blank" Button.FocusBorderColor "Black" CheckButton.TextColor "OffWhite" CheckButton.SelectedTextColor "White" CheckButton.BgColor "TransparentBlack" CheckButton.Border1 "Border.Dark" // the left checkbutton border CheckButton.Border2 "Border.Bright" // the right checkbutton border CheckButton.Check "White" // color of the check itself ComboBoxButton.ArrowColor "DullWhite" //dont know ComboBoxButton.ArmedArrowColor "White" ComboBoxButton.BgColor "Blank" ComboBoxButton.DisabledBgColor "Blank" "Chat.TypingText" "White" Frame.TitleTextInsetX 16 Frame.ClientInsetX 8 Frame.ClientInsetY 6 Frame.BgColor "160 160 160 128" [$WIN32] //"160 160 160 128" Frame.BgColor "80 80 80 192" [$X360] Frame.OutOfFocusBgColor "160 160 160 32" [$WIN32] //"160 160 160 32" Frame.OutOfFocusBgColor "80 80 80 192" [$X360] Frame.FocusTransitionEffectTime "0.3" // time it takes for a window to fade in/out on focus/out of focus Frame.TransitionEffectTime "0.3" // time it takes for a window to fade in/out on open/close Frame.AutoSnapRange "0" FrameGrip.Color1 "200 200 200 196" FrameGrip.Color2 "0 0 0 196" FrameTitleButton.FgColor "200 200 200 196" FrameTitleButton.BgColor "Blank" FrameTitleButton.DisabledFgColor "255 255 255 192" FrameTitleButton.DisabledBgColor "Blank" FrameSystemButton.FgColor "Blank" FrameSystemButton.BgColor "Blank" FrameSystemButton.Icon "" FrameSystemButton.DisabledIcon "" FrameTitleBar.Font "UiBold" [$WIN32] FrameTitleBar.Font "DefaultLarge" [$WIN32] FrameTitleBar.TextColor "White" FrameTitleBar.BgColor "Blank" FrameTitleBar.DisabledTextColor "255 255 255 192" FrameTitleBar.DisabledBgColor "Blank" GraphPanel.FgColor "White" GraphPanel.BgColor "TransparentBlack" //dont know Label.TextDullColor "DullWhite" //don't know Label.TextColor "OffWhite" Label.TextBrightColor "White" Label.SelectedTextColor "White" Label.BgColor "0 0 0 200" //"TransparentBlack" This is the backgound of the "Say" lable beside the "Chat Input Line" Label.DisabledFgColor1 "117 117 117 255" Label.DisabledFgColor2 "30 30 30 255" ListPanel.TextColor "OffWhite" ListPanel.TextBgColor "Blank" ListPanel.BgColor "TransparentBlack" //dont know ListPanel.SelectedTextColor "Black" ListPanel.SelectedBgColor "Orange" ListPanel.SelectedOutOfFocusBgColor "255 155 0 128" ListPanel.EmptyListInfoTextColor "OffWhite" Menu.TextColor "White" //"White" dont know Menu.BgColor "160 160 160 64" //"160 160 160 64" dont know Menu.ArmedTextColor "Black" //"Black" dont know Menu.ArmedBgColor "Orange" //"Orange" dont know Menu.TextInset "6" //"6" dont know Panel.FgColor "Blank" Panel.BgColor "DullWhite" //dont know ProgressBar.FgColor "White" ProgressBar.BgColor "TransparentBlack" PropertySheet.TextColor "OffWhite" PropertySheet.SelectedTextColor "White" PropertySheet.TransitionEffectTime "0.25" // time to change from one tab to another RadioButton.TextColor "DullWhite" //dont know RadioButton.SelectedTextColor "White" RichText.TextColor "OffWhite" RichText.BgColor "TransparentBlack" RichText.SelectedTextColor "Black" RichText.SelectedBgColor "Orange" ScrollBar.Wide 0 // 17 width of the scrollbar ScrollBarButton.FgColor "White" ScrollBarButton.BgColor "Blank" ScrollBarButton.ArmedFgColor "White" ScrollBarButton.ArmedBgColor "Blank" ScrollBarButton.DepressedFgColor "White" ScrollBarButton.DepressedBgColor "Blank" ScrollBarSlider.FgColor "Blank" // nob color ScrollBarSlider.BgColor "255 255 255 64" // slider background color SectionedListPanel.HeaderTextColor "White" SectionedListPanel.HeaderBgColor "Blank" SectionedListPanel.DividerColor "Black" SectionedListPanel.TextColor "DullWhite" //dont know SectionedListPanel.BrightTextColor "White" SectionedListPanel.BgColor "TransparentBlack" //dont know SectionedListPanel.SelectedTextColor "Black" SectionedListPanel.SelectedBgColor "Orange" SectionedListPanel.OutOfFocusSelectedTextColor "Black" SectionedListPanel.OutOfFocusSelectedBgColor "255 155 0 128" Slider.NobColor "108 108 108 255" Slider.TextColor "180 180 180 255" Slider.TrackColor "31 31 31 255" Slider.DisabledTextColor1 "117 117 117 255" Slider.DisabledTextColor2 "30 30 30 255" TextEntry.TextColor "OffWhite" TextEntry.BgColor "0 0 0 200" //"TransparentBlack" This is the back ground color of the "input line" of the chat box TextEntry.CursorColor "OffWhite" TextEntry.DisabledTextColor "DullWhite" //dont know TextEntry.DisabledBgColor "Blank" TextEntry.SelectedTextColor "Black" TextEntry.SelectedBgColor "Orange" TextEntry.OutOfFocusSelectedBgColor "255 155 0 128" TextEntry.FocusEdgeColor "0 0 0 196" ToggleButton.SelectedTextColor "White" Tooltip.TextColor "0 0 0 196" Tooltip.BgColor "Orange" TreeView.BgColor "TransparentBlack" WizardSubPanel.BgColor "Blank" // scheme-specific colors MainMenu.TextColor "White" [$WIN32] MainMenu.TextColor "200 200 200 255" [$X360] MainMenu.ArmedTextColor "200 200 200 255" [$WIN32] MainMenu.ArmedTextColor "White" [$X360] MainMenu.DepressedTextColor "192 186 80 255" //dont know MainMenu.MenuItemHeight "16" [$WIN32] MainMenu.MenuItemHeight "32" [$X360] MainMenu.Inset "32" MainMenu.Backdrop "0 0 0 156" Console.TextColor "OffWhite" Console.DevTextColor "White" NewGame.TextColor "White" NewGame.FillColor "0 0 0 255" NewGame.SelectionColor "Orange" [$WIN32] NewGame.SelectionColor "0 0 0 255" [$X360] NewGame.DisabledColor "128 128 128 196" //dont know } //////////////////////// BITMAP FONT FILES ///////////////////////////// // // Bitmap Fonts are ****VERY*** expensive static memory resources so they are purposely sparse BitmapFontFiles { // UI buttons, custom font, (256x64) "Buttons" "materials/vgui/fonts/buttons_32.vbf" } //////////////////////// FONTS ///////////////////////////// // // describes all the fonts Fonts { "Default" { "1" { "name" "Verdana" "tall" "12" "weight" "0" "range" "0x0000 0x017F" "yres" "480 599" } "2" { "name" "Verdana" "tall" "13" "weight" "0" "range" "0x0000 0x017F" "yres" "600 767" } "3" { "name" "Verdana" "tall" "14" "weight" "0" "range" "0x0000 0x017F" "yres" "768 1023" "antialias" "1" } "4" { "name" "Verdana" "tall" "16" "weight" "0" "range" "0x0000 0x017F" "yres" "1024 1199" "antialias" "1" } "5" { "name" "Verdana" "tall" "20" "weight" "0" "range" "0x0000 0x017F" "yres" "1200 6000" "antialias" "1" } } // this is the symbol font "Marlett" { "1" { "name" "Marlett" "tall" "10" "weight" "0" "yres" "480 599" "symbol" "1" } "2" { "name" "Marlett" "tall" "14" "weight" "0" "yres" "600 767" "symbol" "1" } "3" { "name" "Marlett" "tall" "13" "weight" "0" "yres" "768 1023" "symbol" "1" } "4" { "name" "Marlett" "tall" "17" "weight" "0" "yres" "1024 1199" "symbol" "1" } "5" { "name" "Marlett" "tall" "22" "weight" "0" "yres" "1200 10000" "symbol" "1" } } "ChatFont" { "1" { "name" "Verdana" "tall" "12" "weight" "700" "yres" "480 599" "dropshadow" "1" } "2" { "name" "Verdana" "tall" "14" "weight" "700" "yres" "600 767" "dropshadow" "1" } "3" { "name" "Verdana" "tall" "15" "weight" "700" "yres" "768 1023" "dropshadow" "1" } "4" { "name" "Verdana" "tall" "17" "weight" "700" "yres" "1024 1199" "dropshadow" "1" } "5" { "name" "Verdana" "tall" "22" "weight" "700" "yres" "1200 10000" "dropshadow" "1" } } } // //////////////////// BORDERS ////////////////////////////// // // describes all the border types Borders { BaseBorder DepressedBorder ButtonBorder RaisedBorder ComboBoxBorder DepressedBorder MenuBorder RaisedBorder BrowserBorder DepressedBorder PropertySheetBorder RaisedBorder FrameBorder { // rounded corners for frames "backgroundtype" "2" } DepressedBorder { "inset" "0 0 1 1" Left { "1" { "color" "Border.Dark" "offset" "0 1" } } Right { "1" { "color" "Border.Bright" "offset" "1 0" } } Top { "1" { "color" "Border.Dark" "offset" "0 0" } } Bottom { "1" { "color" "Border.Bright" "offset" "0 0" } } } RaisedBorder { "inset" "0 0 1 1" Left { "1" { "color" "Border.Bright" "offset" "0 1" } } Right { "1" { "color" "Border.Dark" "offset" "0 0" } } Top { "1" { "color" "Border.Bright" "offset" "0 1" } } Bottom { "1" { "color" "Border.Dark" "offset" "0 0" } } } TitleButtonBorder { "backgroundtype" "0" } TitleButtonDisabledBorder { "backgroundtype" "0" } TitleButtonDepressedBorder { "backgroundtype" "0" } ScrollBarButtonBorder { "inset" "2 2 0 0" Left { "1" { "color" "Border.Bright" "offset" "0 1" } } Right { "1" { "color" "Border.Dark" "offset" "1 0" } } Top { "1" { "color" "Border.Bright" "offset" "0 0" } } Bottom { "1" { "color" "Border.Dark" "offset" "0 0" } } } ScrollBarButtonDepressedBorder { "inset" "2 2 0 0" Left { "1" { "color" "Border.Dark" "offset" "0 1" } } Right { "1" { "color" "Border.Bright" "offset" "1 0" } } Top { "1" { "color" "Border.Dark" "offset" "0 0" } } Bottom { "1" { "color" "Border.Bright" "offset" "0 0" } } } TabBorder { "inset" "0 0 1 1" Left { "1" { "color" "Border.Bright" "offset" "0 1" } } Right { "1" { "color" "Border.Dark" "offset" "1 0" } } Top { "1" { "color" "Border.Bright" "offset" "0 0" } } } TabActiveBorder { "inset" "0 0 1 0" Left { "1" { "color" "Border.Bright" "offset" "0 0" } } Right { "1" { "color" "Border.Dark" "offset" "1 0" } } Top { "1" { "color" "Border.Bright" "offset" "0 0" } } } ToolTipBorder { "inset" "0 0 1 0" Left { "1" { "color" "Border.Dark" "offset" "0 0" } } Right { "1" { "color" "Border.Dark" "offset" "1 0" } } Top { "1" { "color" "Border.Dark" "offset" "0 0" } } Bottom { "1" { "color" "Border.Dark" "offset" "0 0" } } } // this is the border used for default buttons (the button that gets pressed when you hit enter) ButtonKeyFocusBorder { "inset" "0 0 1 1" Left { "1" { "color" "Border.Selection" "offset" "0 0" } "2" { "color" "Border.Bright" "offset" "0 1" } } Top { "1" { "color" "Border.Selection" "offset" "0 0" } "2" { "color" "Border.Bright" "offset" "1 0" } } Right { "1" { "color" "Border.Selection" "offset" "0 0" } "2" { "color" "Border.Dark" "offset" "1 0" } } Bottom { "1" { "color" "Border.Selection" "offset" "0 0" } "2" { "color" "Border.Dark" "offset" "0 0" } } } ButtonDepressedBorder { "inset" "2 1 1 1" Left { "1" { "color" "Border.Dark" "offset" "0 1" } } Right { "1" { "color" "Border.Bright" "offset" "1 0" } } Top { "1" { "color" "Border.Dark" "offset" "0 0" } } Bottom { "1" { "color" "Border.Bright" "offset" "0 0" } } } } //////////////////////// CUSTOM FONT FILES ///////////////////////////// // // specifies all the custom (non-system) font files that need to be loaded to service the above described fonts CustomFontFiles { "1" "resource/HALFLIFE2.ttf" "2" "resource/HL2EP2.ttf" } }