"lang" { "Language" "korean" "Tokens" { "Cstrike_Reset_View" "시점 초기화" "[english]Cstrike_Reset_View" "Reset view" "Cstrike_Mouse_Look" "마우스 화면전환" "[english]Cstrike_Mouse_Look" "Mouse look" "DoD_Communication_Title" "통신 키 설정" "[english]DoD_Communication_Title" "COMMUNICATION COMMANDS" "DoD_Menu_Title" "게임 키 설정" "[english]DoD_Menu_Title" "DAY OF DEFEAT COMMANDS" "DoD_Voice_Menu_1" "음성 메뉴 1" "[english]DoD_Voice_Menu_1" "Voice menu 1" "DoD_Voice_Menu_2" "음성 메뉴 2" "[english]DoD_Voice_Menu_2" "Voice menu 2" "DoD_Voice_Menu_3" "음성 메뉴 3" "[english]DoD_Voice_Menu_3" "Voice menu 3" "DoD_Drop_Weapon" "주 무기 버리기" "[english]DoD_Drop_Weapon" "Drop Primary Weapon" "DoD_Drop_Ammo" "여분의 실탄 버리기" "[english]DoD_Drop_Ammo" "Drop Extra Ammo" "DoD_Use_Pick_Up_Grenades" "아이템 사용 / 수류탄 줍기" "[english]DoD_Use_Pick_Up_Grenades" "Use item / Pick up Grenades" "DoD_Open_Map" "전술지도 보기" "[english]DoD_Open_Map" "Open Map" "DoD_Map_Zoom" "전술지도 확대" "[english]DoD_Map_Zoom" "Minimap Zoom" "DoD_Toggle_Large_Map" "전술지도 전체 확대" "[english]DoD_Toggle_Large_Map" "Toggle Full Screen Map" "DoD_Movement_Title" "이동 키 설정" "[english]DoD_Movement_Title" "MOVEMENT COMMANDS" "DoD_Prone" "포복" "[english]DoD_Prone" "Prone" "DoD_Sprint" "전력질주" "[english]DoD_Sprint" "Sprint" "DoD_Combat_Title" "전투 키 설정" "[english]DoD_Combat_Title" "COMBAT COMMANDS" "DoD_AutoHelp" "도움말 켜기" "[english]DoD_AutoHelp" "Auto-help" "DoD_Dynamic_Xhair" "동적 크로스헤어 사용" "[english]DoD_Dynamic_Xhair" "Use Dynamic Crosshair" "DoD_Easymode" "머리 위 아이콘으로 팀원 구별" "[english]DoD_Easymode" "Teammates Identified with Overhead Icons" "DoD_ParticleFX" "특수 효과 수준" "[english]DoD_ParticleFX" "Quality of Special Effects" "DoD_Particles_Low" "낮음" "[english]DoD_Particles_Low" "Low" "DoD_Particles_Medium" "보통" "[english]DoD_Particles_Medium" "Medium" "DoD_Particles_High" "높음" "[english]DoD_Particles_High" "High" "DoD_Fog" "안개 표시" "[english]DoD_Fog" "Show Fog" "DoD_TK_Penalty" "아군 사살 제한" "[english]DoD_TK_Penalty" "Teamkill Limit" "Dod_IdentIconMode" "팀원 아이콘 설정" "[english]Dod_IdentIconMode" "Teammate icon style" "Dod_identicon_none" "표시 안함" "[english]Dod_identicon_none" "no icons" "Dod_identicon_target" "표적의 머리 위에만 표시" "[english]Dod_identicon_target" "icons over target's head" "Dod_identicon_everyone" "모든 아군에 아이콘 표시" "[english]Dod_identicon_everyone" "icons over all teammates" "DoD_Fire_Marker" "커서 밑에 맵 마커 표시" "[english]DoD_Fire_Marker" "Place a map marker under cursor" "DoD_Next_Marker" "다음 맵 마커 선택" "[english]DoD_Next_Marker" "Select next map marker" "DoD_Prev_Marker" "이전 맵 마커 선택" "[english]DoD_Prev_Marker" "Select previous map marker" "DoD_classautokill" "플레이어 병과를 선택한 후 사망" "[english]DoD_classautokill" "Suicide after choosing a player class" "Dod_enabledeatheffects" "사망 시 필름그레인 효과 표시" "[english]Dod_enabledeatheffects" "Show Film Grain Effect when dead" "Dod_enablespectatoreffects" "관전 시 필름그레인 효과 표시" "[english]Dod_enablespectatoreffects" "Show Film Grain Effect when in spectator" "PlayerStatus" "상태" "[english]PlayerStatus" "Status" "PlayerClass" "병과" "[english]PlayerClass" "Class" "DODPlayerScore" "목표" "[english]DODPlayerScore" "Objectives" "PlayerFrags" "사살" "[english]PlayerFrags" "K" "PlayerDeath" "사망" "[english]PlayerDeath" "D" "PlayerPing" "핑" "[english]PlayerPing" "Ping" "PlayerVoice" "음성" "[english]PlayerVoice" "Voice" "class_allied_garand_n" "1 소총수" "[english]class_allied_garand_n" "1 RIFLEMAN" "class_allied_thompson_n" "2 돌격" "[english]class_allied_thompson_n" "2 ASSAULT" "class_allied_heavy_n" "3 지원화기" "[english]class_allied_heavy_n" "3 SUPPORT" "class_allied_sniper_n" "4 저격수" "[english]class_allied_sniper_n" "4 SNIPER" "class_allied_mg_n" "5 기관총 사수" "[english]class_allied_mg_n" "5 MACHINE GUNNER" "class_allied_bazooka_n" "6 로켓" "[english]class_allied_bazooka_n" "6 ROCKET" "class_allied_random_n" "9 무작위(&9)" "[english]class_allied_random_n" "&9 RANDOM" "class_axis_kar98_n" "1 소총수" "[english]class_axis_kar98_n" "1 RIFLEMAN" "class_axis_mp40_n" "2 돌격" "[english]class_axis_mp40_n" "2 ASSAULT" "class_axis_mp44_n" "3 지원화기" "[english]class_axis_mp44_n" "3 SUPPORT" "class_axis_sniper_n" "4 저격수" "[english]class_axis_sniper_n" "4 SNIPER" "class_axis_mg42_n" "5 기관총 사수" "[english]class_axis_mg42_n" "5 MACHINE GUNNER" "class_axis_pschreck_n" "6 로켓" "[english]class_axis_pschreck_n" "6 ROCKET" "class_axis_random_n" "9 무작위(&9)" "[english]class_axis_random_n" "&9 RANDOM" "class_allied_garand" "소총수" "[english]class_allied_garand" "Rifleman" "class_allied_thompson" "돌격" "[english]class_allied_thompson" "Assault" "class_allied_sniper" "저격수" "[english]class_allied_sniper" "Sniper" "class_allied_heavy" "지원화기" "[english]class_allied_heavy" "Support" "class_allied_mg" "기관총 사수" "[english]class_allied_mg" "Machine Gunner" "class_allied_bazooka" "로켓" "[english]class_allied_bazooka" "Rocket" "class_axis_kar98" "소총수" "[english]class_axis_kar98" "Rifleman" "class_axis_mp40" "돌격" "[english]class_axis_mp40" "Assault" "class_axis_mp44" "지원화기" "[english]class_axis_mp44" "Support" "class_axis_sniper" "저격수" "[english]class_axis_sniper" "Sniper" "class_axis_mg42" "기관총 사수" "[english]class_axis_mg42" "Machine Gunner" "class_axis_pschreck" "로켓" "[english]class_axis_pschreck" "Rocket" "class_random" "무작위" "[english]class_random" "Random" "class_random_para" "무작위" "[english]class_random_para" "Random" "scoreboard_Player" "%s1 - 플레이어 %s2명" "[english]scoreboard_Player" "%s1 - %s2 player" "scoreboard_Players" "%s1 - 플레이어 %s2명" "[english]scoreboard_Players" "%s1 - %s2 players" "scoreboard_status_dead" "사망" "[english]scoreboard_status_dead" "DEAD" "scoreboard_teamscore" "라운드 승리 : %s1회 ( +%s2점 )" "[english]scoreboard_teamscore" "Rounds Won: %s1 ( +%s2 )" "Dod_Capture_Blocked" "적군이 점령 차단" "[english]Dod_Capture_Blocked" "Capture Blocked by Enemy" "Dod_Blocking_Capture" "적군 점령을 차단" "[english]Dod_Blocking_Capture" "Blocking Enemy Capture" "Dod_Waiting_for_teammate" "아군을 기다리는 중" "[english]Dod_Waiting_for_teammate" "Waiting for Teammate" "Dod_reinforcements_in_mins" "%s1분 %s2초 후에 부활합니다." "[english]Dod_reinforcements_in_mins" "You will respawn in %s1 minutes %s2 seconds" "Dod_reinforcements_in_min" "1분 %s2초 후에 부활합니다." "[english]Dod_reinforcements_in_min" "You will respawn in 1 minute %s2 seconds" "Dod_reinforcements_in_secs" "%s1초 후에 부활합니다." "[english]Dod_reinforcements_in_secs" "You will respawn in %s1 seconds" "Dod_reinforcements_in_sec" "%s1초 후에 부활합니다." "[english]Dod_reinforcements_in_sec" "You will respawn in %s1 second" "Dod_reinforcements_prepare_to_respawn" "부활 준비!" "[english]Dod_reinforcements_prepare_to_respawn" "Prepare to respawn!" "Dod_Team_Allies" "1 미육군(&1)" "[english]Dod_Team_Allies" "&1 U.S. Army" "Dod_Team_Axis" "2 독일군(&2)" "[english]Dod_Team_Axis" "&2 Wehrmacht" "Cstrike_Cancel" "0 취소(&0)" "[english]Cstrike_Cancel" "&0 Cancel" "Cstrike_Team_AutoAssign" "4 자동 배정(&4)" "[english]Cstrike_Team_AutoAssign" "&4 Auto-Assign" "Cstrike_Menu_Spectate" "3 관전(&3)" "[english]Cstrike_Menu_Spectate" "&3 Spectate" "Cstrike_OK" "확인" "[english]Cstrike_OK" "Ok" "Dod_Currently_on_your_team" "플레이어 팀에서 현재 이 병과의 인원은 %s1명입니다." "[english]Dod_Currently_on_your_team" "There are currently %s1 players of this class on your team" "Dod_Currently_on_your_team_one" "플레이어 팀에서 현재 이 병과의 인원은 1명입니다." "[english]Dod_Currently_on_your_team_one" "There is currently 1 player of this class on your team" "Dod_class_full" "서버에서 이 병과의 최대 정원에 도달했습니다(%s1 명 제한)." "[english]Dod_class_full" "Server has reached the maximum number of this class ( Limit %s1 )" "Dod_Join_Team" "팀을 선택하세요" "[english]Dod_Join_Team" "SELECT A TEAM" "Dod_Map_Label" "시나리오:" "[english]Dod_Map_Label" "SCENARIO:" "Dod_Select_weapons" "무기를 선택하세요" "[english]Dod_Select_weapons" "SELECT YOUR WEAPONS" "Dod_Primary_wpn" "주 무장:" "[english]Dod_Primary_wpn" "PRIMARY WEAPON:" "Dod_other_wpns" "기타 무장:" "[english]Dod_other_wpns" "OTHER WEAPONS:" "Dod_Spec_Allies_Score" "미육군:" "[english]Dod_Spec_Allies_Score" "U.S. Army:" "Dod_Spec_Axis_Score" "독일군:" "[english]Dod_Spec_Axis_Score" "Wehrmacht:" "wpn_stat_dmg" "공격력" "[english]wpn_stat_dmg" "DAMAGE" "wpn_stat_accuracy" "명중률" "[english]wpn_stat_accuracy" "ACCURACY" "wpn_stat_control" "제어능력" "[english]wpn_stat_control" "CONTROL" "wpn_stat_rof" "연사속도" "[english]wpn_stat_rof" "RATE OF FIRE" "Teamname_Allies" "미육군" "[english]Teamname_Allies" "U.S. Army" "Teamname_Axis" "독일군" "[english]Teamname_Axis" "Wehrmacht" "Teamname_Spectators" "관전자" "[english]Teamname_Spectators" "Spectators" "cls_garand" "소총수" "[english]cls_garand" "Rifleman" "cls_tommy" "돌격" "[english]cls_tommy" "Assault" "cls_spring" "저격수" "[english]cls_spring" "Sniper" "cls_bar" "지원화기" "[english]cls_bar" "Support" "cls_30cal" "기관총 사수" "[english]cls_30cal" "Machine Gunner" "cls_bazooka" "로켓" "[english]cls_bazooka" "Rocket" "cls_k98" "소총수" "[english]cls_k98" "Rifleman" "cls_mp40" "돌격" "[english]cls_mp40" "Assault" "cls_mp44" "지원화기" "[english]cls_mp44" "Support" "cls_k98s" "저격수" "[english]cls_k98s" "Sniper" "cls_mg42" "기관총 사수" "[english]cls_mg42" "Machine Gunner" "cls_pschreck" "로켓" "[english]cls_pschreck" "Rocket" "wpn_garand" "M1 개런드" "[english]wpn_garand" "M1 Garand" "wpn_carbine" "M1 카빈" "[english]wpn_carbine" "M1 Carbine" "wpn_tommy" "M1A1 톰슨" "[english]wpn_tommy" "Thompson" "wpn_spring" "스프링필드" "[english]wpn_spring" "Springfield" "wpn_bar" "BAR" "[english]wpn_bar" "BAR" "wpn_30cal" "30구경" "[english]wpn_30cal" ".30 Cal" "wpn_k98" "K98k" "[english]wpn_k98" "K98k" "wpn_mp40" "MP40" "[english]wpn_mp40" "MP40" "wpn_mp44" "Stg44" "[english]wpn_mp44" "Stg44" "wpn_k98s" "저격용 K98" "[english]wpn_k98s" "K98 Sniper" "wpn_mg42" "MG42" "[english]wpn_mg42" "MG42" "wpn_bazooka" "바주카" "[english]wpn_bazooka" "Bazooka" "wpn_pschreck" "판처슈렉" "[english]wpn_pschreck" "Panzerschreck" "dod_kicked_reason_tk" "팀원을 사살하여 게임에서 퇴장 당했습니다." "[english]dod_kicked_reason_tk" "You have been kicked from the game for killing your teammates" "Dod_no_players_on_this_team" "이 팀에 플레이어가 없습니다." "[english]Dod_no_players_on_this_team" "There are no players on this team" "Dod_players_on_team" "%s1: %s2 ( 점수: %s3 )\n%s4" "[english]Dod_players_on_team" "%s1: %s2 ( Score: %s3 )\n%s4" "Dod_players_on_team_spec" "%s1: %s2\n%s3" "[english]Dod_players_on_team_spec" "%s1: %s2\n%s3" "Dod_Player" "플레이어 1명" "[english]Dod_Player" "1 Player" "Dod_Players" "플레이어 %s1명" "[english]Dod_Players" "%s1 Players" "Dod_AutoReload" "무기 자동 재장전" "[english]Dod_AutoReload" "Automatically Reload Weapons" "Clan_awaiting_ready" "양팀이 모두 준비 신호를 보내면 라운드가 다시 시작됩니다." "[english]Clan_awaiting_ready" "Round will restart after both teams give the ready signal" "clan_warmup_rules" "클랜 매치 워밍업 모드에 들어 오셨습니다.\n점수가 기록되지 않습니다." "[english]clan_warmup_rules" "Entering clan match warm-up mode.\nNo points can be scored.\n" "clan_ready_rules" "양팀이 모두 '%s1'로 준비 신호를 보내면 매치가 다시 시작됩니다." "[english]clan_ready_rules" "Match will restart when both teams give the ready signal: '%s1'\n" "Clan_warmup_mode" "워밍업 모드" "[english]Clan_warmup_mode" "Warmup Mode" "Clan_match_live" "매치가 시작됩니다!" "[english]Clan_match_live" "MATCH IS LIVE!" "Clan_time_remaining" "클랜 매치가 %s1분 %s2초 후에 시작합니다." "[english]Clan_time_remaining" "Clan Match Begins in : %s1 mins %s2 secs" "Dod_current_marker" "현재 맵 마커" "[english]Dod_current_marker" "Current Map Marker" "Dod_mg_reload" "기관총을 거치하여 재장전하십시오!" "[english]Dod_mg_reload" "Deploy your machine gun to Reload!" "OBS_NONE" "카메라 설정" "[english]OBS_NONE" "Camera Options" "OBS_CHASE_LOCKED" "고정 추적 카메라" "[english]OBS_CHASE_LOCKED" "Locked Chase Cam" "OBS_CHASE_FREE" "자유 추적 카메라" "[english]OBS_CHASE_FREE" "Free Chase Cam" "OBS_ROAMING" "자유 시점" "[english]OBS_ROAMING" "Free Look" "OBS_IN_EYE" "1인칭 시점" "[english]OBS_IN_EYE" "First Person" "OBS_MAP_FREE" "자유 오버뷰" "[english]OBS_MAP_FREE" "Free Overview" "OBS_MAP_CHASE" "추적 오버뷰" "[english]OBS_MAP_CHASE" "Chase Overview" "Spec_Mode1" "3인칭 고정 카메라" "[english]Spec_Mode1" "Locked Chase Cam" "Spec_Mode2" "3인칭 회전 카메라" "[english]Spec_Mode2" "Free Chase Cam" "Spec_Mode3" "자유 시점" "[english]Spec_Mode3" "Free Look" "Spec_Mode4" "1인칭 시점" "[english]Spec_Mode4" "First Person" "Spec_Mode5" "자유 관전 시점" "[english]Spec_Mode5" "Free Overview" "Spec_Mode6" "추적 관전 시점" "[english]Spec_Mode6" "Chase Overview" "Spec_NoTarget" "목표물이 없습니다. 추적 카메라 시점으로 전환할 수 없습니다." "[english]Spec_NoTarget" "No valid targets. Cannot switch to Chase-Camera Mode." "game_uneven_teams" "팀원 수가 맞지 않습니다. 인원수가 적은 팀에 참가하십시오." "[english]game_uneven_teams" "Uneven teams. Please join the team with fewer players." "game_switch_teams_once" "부활할 때마다 팀을 한 번만 바꿀 수 있습니다." "[english]game_switch_teams_once" "Only allowed to switch teams once between respawns." "menu_AmerVoiceA" "1. 가자! 2. 이 위치를 사수하라! 3. 분대, 좌측으로! 4. 분대, 우측으로! 5. 붙어서 이동한다! 6. 엄호 사격! 7. 연막탄을 던져라! 8. 수류탄을 던져라! 9. 사격 중지! 0. 취소" "[english]menu_AmerVoiceA" "1. Go go go! 2. Hold this position! 3. Squad, flank left! 4. Squad, flank right! 5. Stick together! 6. Covering fire! 7. Smoke em! 8. Use your grenades! 9. Cease fire! 0. Cancel " "Menu_AmerVoiceB" "1. 네! 2. 거부한다! 3. 지원이 필요하다! 4. 폭파한다! 5. 수류탄이다, 피해! 6. 저격수다! 7. 명중이다! 8. 고맙다! 9. 구역 확보! 0. 취소" "[english]Menu_AmerVoiceB" "1. Yes Sir! 2. Negative! 3. I need backup! 4. Fire in the hole! 5. Grenade, take cover! 6. Sniper! 7. Nice shot! 8. Thanks! 9. Area clear! 0. Cancel " "Menu_AmerVoiceC" "1. 무기를 버려라! 2. 위치를 변경하라! 3. 전방에 기관총이다! 4. 적이 뒤에 있다! 5. 적 진지를 제압했다, 이동! 6. 기관총이 필요하다! 7. 실탄이 필요하다! 8. 바주카를 써라! 9. 판처슈렉이다! 0. 취소" "[english]Menu_AmerVoiceC" "1. Drop your weapons! 2. Displace! 3. MG Ahead! 4. Enemy behind us! 5. Enemy knocked out, move up! 6. We need an MG up here! 7. I need Ammo! 8. Use the bazooka! 9. Panzerschreck! 0. Cancel" "Menu_GerVoiceA" "1. 전진! 2. 이 위치를 사수하라! 3. 분대, 좌측으로! 4. 분대, 우측으로! 5. 붙어서 이동한다! 6. 엄호 사격! 7. 연막탄을 던져라! 8. 수류탄을 던져라! 9. 사격 중지! 0. 취소" "[english]Menu_GerVoiceA" "1. Go go go! 2. Hold this position! 3. Squad, flank left! 4. Squad, flank right! 5. Stick together! 6. Covering fire! 7. Smoke em! 8. Use your grenades! 9. Cease fire! 0. Cancel " "Menu_GerVoiceB" "1. 네! 2. 거부한다! 3. 지원이 필요하다! 4. 폭파한다! 5. 수류탄이다! 6. 저격수다! 7. 명중이다! 8. 고맙다! 9. 구역 확보! 0. 취소" "[english]Menu_GerVoiceB" "1. Yes sir! 2. Negative! 3. I need backup! 4. Fire in the hole! 5. Grenade! 6. Sniper! 7. Nice Shot! 8. Thanks! 9. Area clear! 0. Cancel " "Menu_GerVoiceC" "1. 무기를 버려라! 2. 위치를 변경하라! 3. 전방에 기관총이다! 4. 적이 뒤에 있다! 5. 적 진지를 무너뜨렸다, 전진! 6. 기관총이 필요하다! 7. 실탄이 필요하다! 8. 판처슈렉을 써라! 9. 바주카다! 0. 취소" "[english]Menu_GerVoiceC" "1. Drop your weapons! 2. Displace! 3. MG Ahead! 4. Enemy behind us! 5. Enemy knocked out, move up! 6. We need an MG up here! 7. I need Ammo! 8. Use the panzerschreck! 9. Bazooka! 0. Cancel " "Voice_subtitle_attack" "자, 가자!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_attack" "Go go go!" "Voice_subtitle_hold" "이 위치를 사수해라!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_hold" "Hold this position!" "Voice_subtitle_fallback" "후퇴!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_fallback" "Fall Back!" "Voice_subtitle_left" "분대, 좌측으로!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_left" "Squad, flank left!" "Voice_subtitle_right" "분대, 우측으로!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_right" "Squad, flank right!" "Voice_subtitle_sticktogether" "분대, 붙어서 이동한다!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_sticktogether" "Squad, stick together!" "Voice_subtitle_cover" "분대, 엄호 사격!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_cover" "Squad, covering fire!" "Voice_subtitle_usegrens" "수류탄을 던져라!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_usegrens" "Use your grenades!" "Voice_subtitle_ceasefire" "사격 중지!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_ceasefire" "Cease fire!" "Voice_subtitle_yessir" "네!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_yessir" "Yes Sir!" "Voice_subtitle_negative" "거부한다!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_negative" "Negative!" "Voice_subtitle_backup" "지원이 필요하다!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_backup" "I need backup!" "Voice_subtitle_fireinhole" "폭파한다!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_fireinhole" "Fire in the hole!" "Voice_subtitle_grenade" "수류탄이다, 피해!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_grenade" "Grenade, take cover!" "Voice_subtitle_sniper" "저격수다!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_sniper" "Sniper!" "Voice_subtitle_fireleft" "좌측에서 적의 공격이다!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_fireleft" "Taking fire, left flank!" "Voice_subtitle_fireright" "우측에서 적의 공격이다!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_fireright" "Taking fire, right flank!" "Voice_subtitle_areaclear" "구역 확보!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_areaclear" "Area clear!" "Voice_subtitle_gogogo" "돌격!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_gogogo" "Go go go!" "Voice_subtitle_displace" "위치를 변경하라!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_displace" "Displace!" "Voice_subtitle_enemyahead" "전방에 적이다!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_enemyahead" "Enemy ahead!" "Voice_subtitle_enemybehind" "적이 뒤에 있다!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_enemybehind" "Enemy behind us!" "Voice_subtitle_mgahead" "전방에 기관총이다!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_mgahead" "Machine gun ahead!" "Voice_subtitle_moveupmg_30cal" "기관총을 전진 배치시켜라!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_moveupmg_30cal" "We need an MG up here!" "Voice_subtitle_needammo" "실탄이 필요하다!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_needammo" "I need Ammo!" "Voice_subtitle_usebazooka" "바주카를 써라!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_usebazooka" "Use the Bazooka!" "Voice_subtitle_usepschreck" "판처슈렉을 써라!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_usepschreck" "Use the Panzerschreck!" "Voice_subtitle_bazookaspotted" "바주카다!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_bazookaspotted" "Bazooka!" "Voice_subtitle_pschreckspotted" "판처슈렉이다!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_pschreckspotted" "Panzerschreck!" "Voice_subtitle_moveout" "전진! 전진!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_moveout" "Go go go!" "Voice_subtitle_moveupmg_mg" "기관총을 이동하라!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_moveupmg_mg" "Move up the machinegun!" "Voice_subtitle_usesmoke" "연막탄을 던져라!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_usesmoke" "Smoke em!" "Hint_spotted_a_friend" "아군을 발견했습니다!" "[english]Hint_spotted_a_friend" "You have spotted a teammate!" "Hint_spotted_an_enemy" "적군을 발견했습니다!" "[english]Hint_spotted_an_enemy" "You have spotted an enemy!" "Hint_try_not_to_injure_teammates" "조심하세요! 아군이 다칠 수 있습니다!" "[english]Hint_try_not_to_injure_teammates" "Careful! You can hurt your teammates!" "Hint_careful_around_teammates" "아군을 사살했습니다!" "[english]Hint_careful_around_teammates" "You killed a teammate!" "Hint_killing_enemies_is_good" "적을 사살했습니다!" "[english]Hint_killing_enemies_is_good" "You killed an enemy!" "Hint_touched_area_capture" "깃발 점령 지역에 진입했습니다.\n아군이 확보하기 위해 여기에서 대기하십시오!" "[english]Hint_touched_area_capture" "You have entered a capture area.\nStay here to secure it for your team!" "Hint_touched_control_point" "구역을 점령했습니다!" "[english]Hint_touched_control_point" "You captured an area!" "Hint_mgs_fire_better_deployed" "반동을 줄이려면 '%attack2%' 키를 눌러 기관총을 거치 하십시오!\n 포복하거나 암벽 또는 모래주머니가 앞에 있는 상태에서 거치할 수 있습니다." "[english]Hint_mgs_fire_better_deployed" "Lower your recoil by hitting '%attack2%' to deploy your machinegun!\n You can deploy while prone or when facing a ledge or sandbag." "Hint_sandbag_area_touch" "이 곳은 평지이므로 기관총을 거치할 수 있습니다!" "[english]Hint_sandbag_area_touch" "This is a level surface, you can deploy your machine gun here!" "Hint_rocket_weapon_pickup" "로켓 화기를 집으셨습니다!\n 로켓으로 목표 달성을 위해 벽에 구멍을 뚫을 수 있습니다." "[english]Hint_rocket_weapon_pickup" "You've picked up a rocket weapon!\n Use it to blow holes in some walls and complete objectives." "Hint_out_of_ammo" "현재 무기에 실탄이 떨어졌습니다!" "[english]Hint_out_of_ammo" "Your weapon is out of ammo!" "Hint_prone" "'%duck%' 키를 눌러 자세를 낮추거나 '%alt1%' 키를 눌러 포복하여 반동을 줄이십시오!" "[english]Hint_prone" "Lower your recoil by hitting '%duck%' to crouch or '%alt1%' to go prone!" "Hint_low_stamina" "지친 상태입니다, 휴식을 취해 상태를 회복하십시오." "[english]Hint_low_stamina" "You are fatigued, rest a while to recover." "Hint_player_killed_wavetime" "플레이어가 사망했습니다. 다음 병력 보충 때까지 기다려야 합니다!" "[english]Hint_player_killed_wavetime" "You have been killed, you have to wait for the next wave of reinforcements!" "Hint_player_killed_onelife" "플레이어가 사망했습니다. 이번 라운드가 끝나야 부활할 수 있습니다!" "[english]Hint_player_killed_onelife" "You have been killed, you have to wait for the round to finish before you can spawn!" "Hint_mg_overheat" "기관총이 과열되었습니다. 사격을 중지하여 식혀야 합니다!" "[english]Hint_mg_overheat" "Your machinegun has overheated, stop firing to let it cool!" "Hint_pick_up_weapon" "떨어진 무기를 보고 '%use%' 키를 누르면 \n 주 무기와 바꿀 수 있습니다." "[english]Hint_pick_up_weapon" "You can swap your primary weapon for dropped weapons by\n looking at them and hitting the '%use%' key." "Hint_pick_up_grenade" "'%use%' 키로 수류탄을 집을 수 있습니다.\n터지기 전에 다시 던지십시오!" "[english]Hint_pick_up_grenade" "You can pick up grenades with your '%use%' key.\nThrow them back before they explode!" "Hint_death_cam" "카메라가 플레이어를 사살한 플레이어에게 맞춰져 있습니다." "[english]Hint_death_cam" "The camera is now looking towards the player who killed you." "Hint_class_menu" "병과를 변경하려면 '%changeclass%' 키를 누르십시오." "[english]Hint_class_menu" "Press '%changeclass%' to change your player class." "Hint_use_2e_melee" "'%attack2%'를 누르면 이 무기를 사용할 때 주먹을 날릴 수 있습니다." "[english]Hint_use_2e_melee" "You can hit '%attack2%' to punch when you are using this weapon." "Hint_use_zoom" "'%attack2%'키를 누르면 저격소총을 확대 조준합니다." "[english]Hint_use_zoom" "You can hit '%attack2%' to zoom with sniper rifles." "Hint_use_iron_sights" "'%attack2%'키를 누르면 소총을 눈 높이에 맞춰 명중률이 높아집니다." "[english]Hint_use_iron_sights" "You can hit '%attack2%' to raise rifles to your eye for better accuracy." "Hint_use_semi_auto" "'%attack2%' 키를 누르면 이 무기는 단발 사격으로 바뀝니다.\n 단발 사격은 발사 속도가 느리지만, 명중률이 높습니다." "[english]Hint_use_semi_auto" "You can hit '%attack2%' to toggle semi-auto firing on this weapon.\n Semi-auto mode is slower, but more accurate." "Hint_use_sprint" "'%speed%'를 누르면 전력 질주를 합니다.\n 너무 많이 달리면 체력이 빨리 낮아지므로 주의하십시오." "[english]Hint_use_sprint" "You can hit '%speed%' to sprint.\n Careful, sprinting too much will make you fatigued." "Hint_use_deploy" "'%attack2%'키를 눌러 기관총을 거치하면\n 명중률은 향상되고 반동은 줄어듭니다." "[english]Hint_use_deploy" "You can hit '%attack2%' to deploy your machine gun to get\n greatly increased accuracy and reduced recoil." "Hint_use_prime" "'%attack%'키를 누르고 있으면 이 수류탄이 장전됩니다.\n 5초 이내에 키를 놓지 않으면 수류탄이 폭발합니다!" "[english]Hint_use_prime" "Holding down '%attack%' will prime this grenade.\n You then have 5 seconds to release the key before the grenade will explode!" "Hint_garand_reload" "M1 개런드는 탄창이 빌 때까지 재장전할 수 없습니다." "[english]Hint_garand_reload" "You cannot reload your M1 Garand until the clip is empty." "Hint_turn_off_hints" "설정의 멀티플레이어 부분에서 고급의 자동 도움말 기능을 해제하면 도움말이 나타나지 않게 됩니다." "[english]Hint_turn_off_hints" "You can turn off hints in the options menu,\n under Options -> Multiplayer -> Advanced -> 'Auto Help'" "Hint_mg_deploy_usage" "암벽이나 모래주머니가 앞에 있거나 포복 상태에서만 기관총을 거치할 수 있습니다." "[english]Hint_mg_deploy_usage" "You can only deploy your machinegun when facing a ledge or a sandbag, or while prone." "Hint_need_bomb_to_plant" "이 목표 지점에 폭탄을 설치해야 합니다. 폭탄 저장고에서 한 개를 집으십시오." "[english]Hint_need_bomb_to_plant" "You need a bomb to plant at this objective. Pick up one at a bomb depot." "Hint_bomb_planted" "아군 거점 중 한 곳에 적이 폭탄을 설치했습니다! 찾아서 해체해야 합니다." "[english]Hint_bomb_planted" "The enemy have planted a bomb on one of your objectives! Find it and disarm it." "Hint_defuse_bomb" "이 폭탄을 해체하려면 '%use%' 키를 누르십시오!" "[english]Hint_defuse_bomb" "Hold your '%use%' key to disarm this bomb!" "Hint_bomb_target" "폭파 지점 근처에 왔습니다. 투명한 노란색 폭파 지점을 \n찾아서 '%use%' 키를 눌러 폭탄을 설치하십시오." "[english]Hint_bomb_target" "You are near a bomb target, look for the transparent yellow\nbomb target and hold '%use%' to plant a bomb." "Hint_bomb_pickup" "폭탄 저장소입니다. 다른 폭탄을 집으려면 여기로 돌아오면 됩니다." "[english]Hint_bomb_pickup" "This is a bomb depot. You can return here to pick up another bomb." "Hint_bomb_defuse_onground" "폭탄을 설치하거나 해체하려면 서 있어야 합니다." "[english]Hint_bomb_defuse_onground" "You must be on the ground to plant or defuse the bomb." "Hint_bomb_plant_map" "플레이어 팀이 폭탄을 설치해야 승리합니다.\n 폭탄 저장소를 찾아 폭탄을 집으십시오." "[english]Hint_bomb_plant_map" "Your team must plant bombs to win.\n Find the bomb depot and pick up a bomb." "Hint_bomb_first_select" "폭탄을 꺼내셨습니다. 투명한 노란색 설치 지점을 찾아\n '%use%' 키를 누르고 있으면 폭탄이 설치됩니다." "[english]Hint_bomb_first_select" "This is a bomb. Find the transparent yellow bomb target and\n hold '%use%' while looking at it to plant the bomb." "game_no_spawns" "남는 부활 지점이 없습니다. 1초마다 다시 확인합니다." "[english]game_no_spawns" "No free spawnpoints. Will re-check every 1 sec." "game_bogus_round" "이번 라운드는 플레이어 인원이 부족하므로 무효입니다." "[english]game_bogus_round" "This round will not count, not enough players" "game_not_enough" "게임 인원이 부족합니다. 20초 후에 다시 확인합니다." "[english]game_not_enough" "Not enough players available. Next check in 20 seconds" "game_joined_game" "%s1 님이 게임에 접속했습니다." "[english]game_joined_game" "%s1 has joined the game" "game_disconnected" "%s1 님이 게임에서 퇴장했습니다." "[english]game_disconnected" "%s1 has left the game" "game_joined_team" "*%s1 님이 %s2에 참가했습니다." "[english]game_joined_team" "*%s1 joined %s2" "game_kick_tk" "%s1 님께서 아군 사살을 너무 많이 하셔서 강제 퇴장합니다!" "[english]game_kick_tk" "%s1 has team killed too many times. Now being kicked!" "game_score_allie_point" "미육군 1점 득점" "[english]game_score_allie_point" "U.S. Army score 1 point" "game_score_allie_points" "미육군 %s1점 득점" "[english]game_score_allie_points" "U.S. Army score %s1 points" "game_score_axis_point" "독일군 1점 득점" "[english]game_score_axis_point" "Wehrmacht score 1 point" "game_score_axis_points" "독일군 %s1점 득점" "[english]game_score_axis_points" "Wehrmacht score %s1 points" "game_capture_broken_allie" "미육군 점령이 중단되었습니다." "[english]game_capture_broken_allie" "U.S. Army capture broken" "game_capture_broken_axis" "독일군 점령이 중단되었습니다." "[english]game_capture_broken_axis" "Wehrmacht capture broken" "game_time_left1" "남은 시간: %s1:%s2" "[english]game_time_left1" "Time left: %s1:%s2" "game_time_left2" "서버에 시간 제한이 설정되어 있지 않습니다." "[english]game_time_left2" "No time limit set on server" "game_dont_cheat" "부정 행위는 금지됩니다!" "[english]game_dont_cheat" "Please dont cheat!" "game_unknown_command" "알 수 없는 메시지: %s1" "[english]game_unknown_command" "Unknown command: %s1" "game_cant_change_name" "사망했을 때나 관전 중에는 이름을 변경할 수 없습니다!" "[english]game_cant_change_name" "Not allowed to change name when dead or spectating!" "game_nextmap" "다음 맵: %s1" "[english]game_nextmap" "Next map : %s1" "game_spawn_as" "*%s1 병과로 시작합니다." "[english]game_spawn_as" "*You will spawn as %s1" "game_respawn_as" "*%s1 병과로 부활합니다." "[english]game_respawn_as" "*You will respawn as %s1" "game_spawn_asrandom" "*임의의 병과로 시작합니다." "[english]game_spawn_asrandom" "*You will spawn as random class" "game_respawn_asrandom" "*무작위 병과로 부활합니다." "[english]game_respawn_asrandom" "*You will respawn as a random class" "game_now_as" "*현재 플레이어의 병과는 %s1 입니다." "[english]game_now_as" "*Your player class is now: %s1" "game_will_spawn" "*병과를 선택했을 때 부활합니다." "[english]game_will_spawn" "*You will respawn when you have selected a class" "game_list_players1" " ID 이름 ------------------------" "[english]game_list_players1" " ID NAME ------------------------" "game_list_players2" " %s1 %s2" "[english]game_list_players2" " %s1 %s2" "game_roundstart_allie1" "소대, 낮은 자세로 이동하라!" "[english]game_roundstart_allie1" "Platoon, move out and stay low!" "game_roundstart_allie2" "분대, 이동 중에 무기를 재장전하라!" "[english]game_roundstart_allie2" "Squad, charge your weapons we're moving up!" "game_roundstart_axis1" "하차하고 공격에 방어하라!" "[english]game_roundstart_axis1" "Disembark and prepare for the attack!" "game_roundstart_axis2" "돌격! 돌격! 공격에 방어하라!" "[english]game_roundstart_axis2" "Go! Go! Prepare for the assault!" "game_class_limit" "*서버에서 %s1의 수가 제한에 도달했습니다." "[english]game_class_limit" "*Server has reached the limit of number of %s1" "game_changed_name" "* %s1 님이 %s2 님으로 이름을 변경했습니다." "[english]game_changed_name" "* %s1 changed name to %s2" "game_shoulder_pschreck" "판처슈렉을 발사하려면 어깨에 견착하십시오!" "[english]game_shoulder_pschreck" "You must shoulder your Panzerschreck to fire!" "game_shoulder_bazooka" "바주카는 어깨에 매고 쏘는 무기입니다!" "[english]game_shoulder_bazooka" "You must shoulder your Bazooka to fire!" "game_shoulder_rpg" "'%attack2%'키를 눌러 무기를 어깨에 견착해야 발사할 수 있습니다!" "[english]game_shoulder_rpg" "You must hit '%attack2%' to shoulder your weapon before you can fire!" "game_cannot_drop" "이 무기는 버릴 수 없습니다." "[english]game_cannot_drop" "You cannot drop this weapon." "game_cannot_drop_while" "이 무기는 거치된 상태이므로 버릴 수 없습니다." "[english]game_cannot_drop_while" "You cannot drop this weapon while it is deployed." "MAP_PLAYER_CAP" "%s1의 %s3 님이 %s2 지점을 점령했습니다." "[english]MAP_PLAYER_CAP" "%s3 captured %s2 for %s1" "MAP_GROUP_CAP" "%s1에서 %s2 지점을 점령했습니다." "[english]MAP_GROUP_CAP" "The %s1 have %s2" "Allies_win" "미육군 승리!" "[english]Allies_win" "U.S. Army Wins!" "Axis_win" "독일군 승리!" "[english]Axis_win" "Wehrmacht Wins!" "THE_ALLIES" "미육군" "[english]THE_ALLIES" "the U.S. Army" "THE_AXIS" "독일군" "[english]THE_AXIS" "the Wehrmacht" "MAP_USE_BAZOOKA_HINT" "바주카를 사용하여 파괴할 수 있습니다!" "[english]MAP_USE_BAZOOKA_HINT" "You will need to use a bazooka to destroy this!" "MAP_USE_PSCHREK_HINT" "판처슈렉을 사용하여 파괴할 수 있습니다!" "[english]MAP_USE_PSCHREK_HINT" "You will need to use a Panzerschrek to destroy this!" "MAP_ALLIED_VICTORY1" "미육군이 독일군을 전멸시켰습니다!" "[english]MAP_ALLIED_VICTORY1" "The U.S. Army has overrun the Wehrmacht!" "MAP_ALLIED_VICTORY2" "미육군의 승리입니다!" "[english]MAP_ALLIED_VICTORY2" "The U.S. Army is victorious!" "MAP_AXIS_VICTORY1" "독일군이 미육군을 전멸시켰습니다!" "[english]MAP_AXIS_VICTORY1" "The Wehrmacht has overrun the U.S. Army!" "MAP_AXIS_VICTORY2" "독일군의 승리입니다!" "[english]MAP_AXIS_VICTORY2" "The Wehrmacht is victorious!" "map_flag_1st_allied" "첫 번째 연합군" "[english]map_flag_1st_allied" "First Allied" "map_flag_2nd_allied" "두 번째 연합군" "[english]map_flag_2nd_allied" "Second Allied" "map_flag_1st_axis" "첫 번째 추축국" "[english]map_flag_1st_axis" "First Axis" "map_flag_2nd_axis" "두 번째 추축국" "[english]map_flag_2nd_axis" "Second Axis" "map_flag_center" "중앙 지점" "[english]map_flag_center" "Center Point" "map_flag_donner_center" "중앙로" "[english]map_flag_donner_center" "Main Street" "map_flag_anzio_well" "우물" "[english]map_flag_anzio_well" "Well" "map_flag_anzio_plaza" "교회 광장" "[english]map_flag_anzio_plaza" "Church Plaza" "map_flag_anzio_alley" "중앙 통로" "[english]map_flag_anzio_alley" "Central Alley" "map_flag_anzio_bridge" "다리" "[english]map_flag_anzio_bridge" "Bridge" "map_flag_anzio_fountain" "분수대" "[english]map_flag_anzio_fountain" "Fountain" "map_flag_avalanche_fountain" "분수대" "[english]map_flag_avalanche_fountain" "Fountain" "HandSignal" "수신호" "[english]HandSignal" "Hand Signal" "Voice" "음성" "[english]Voice" "Voice" "Unassigned" "배정되지 않음" "[english]Unassigned" "Unassigned" "Spectators" "관전자" "[english]Spectators" "Spectators" "Menu_Spectate" "관전" "[english]Menu_Spectate" "SPECTATE" "Spec_Only_Help" "앉기 작은 창 모드 변경 주 장비 사용 다음 목표물 보조 기능 사용 이전 목표물 점프 모드 변경" "[english]Spec_Only_Help" "DUCK to Change Inset Mode FIRE for Next Target ALT-FIRE for Prev Target JUMP to Change Modes" "Spec_Help" "엔터 플레이 주 장비 사용 다음 목표물 보조 기능 사용 이전 목표물 점프 모드 변경" "[english]Spec_Help" "ENTER to Play FIRE for Next Target ALT-FIRE for Prev Target JUMP to Change Modes" "Spec_Help_Title" "관전자 모드" "[english]Spec_Help_Title" "Spectator Mode" "Spec_Help_Text" "시점을 변경하려면 다음 키를 사용하십시오. 주 장비 사용 - 다음 플레이어 추적하기 보조 기능 사용 - 이전 플레이어 추적하기 점프 - 보기 모드 변경 사용하기 - 작은 창 모드 변경 앉기 - 관전자 메뉴 사용 설정 점수판에서 이름을 오른쪽 클릭한 관전 가능 내려다 보기 맵 모드에서는 다음 키를 이용하여 이동할 수 있습니다. 왼쪽으로 이동 - 왼쪽으로 이동 오른쪽으로 이동 - 오른쪽으로 이동 앞으로 이동 - 줌 인 뒤로 이동 - 줌 아웃 마우스 - 맵/목표물을 중심으로 회전 " "[english]Spec_Help_Text" "Use the following keys to change view styles: FIRE1 - Chase next player FIRE2 - Chase previous player JUMP - Change view modes USE - Change inset window mode DUCK - Enable spectator menu RIGHT-CLICK name on SCOREBOARD to spectate In Overview Map Mode move around with: MOVELEFT - move left MOVERIGHT - move right FORWARD - zoom in BACK - zoom out MOUSE - rotate around map/target " "Spec_Slow_Motion" "슬로우 모션" "[english]Spec_Slow_Motion" "Slow Motion" "Spec_Replay" "인스턴트 리플레이" "[english]Spec_Replay" "Instant Replay" "Spec_Auto" "자동" "[english]Spec_Auto" "Auto" "Spec_Time" "시간" "[english]Spec_Time" "Time" "Spec_Map" "맵" "[english]Spec_Map" "Map" "Spec_Duck" "관전자 메뉴를 열려면 앉기 키를 누르십시오" "[english]Spec_Duck" "Press DUCK for Spectator Menu" "SPECT_OPTIONS" "설정" "[english]SPECT_OPTIONS" "Options" "CAM_OPTIONS" "카메라 설정" "[english]CAM_OPTIONS" "Camera Options" "Directed" "자동" "[english]Directed" "Auto" "Muted" "플레이어 음성 차단 -" "[english]Muted" "Player Muted -" "Unmuted" "플레이어 음성 차단 해제" "[english]Unmuted" "Player Unmuted" "Health" "체력" "[english]Health" "Health" "DoD_Close" "닫기" "[english]DoD_Close" "Close" "DoD_ChooseTeam" "팀 선택" "[english]DoD_ChooseTeam" "Choose Team" "DoD_Help" "도움말" "[english]DoD_Help" "Help" "DoD_ChatMessages" "채팅 메시지" "[english]DoD_ChatMessages" "Chat Messages" "DoD_AutoDirector" "자동 디렉터" "[english]DoD_AutoDirector" "Auto Director" "DoD_ShowScores" "점수 표시" "[english]DoD_ShowScores" "Show Scores" "DoD_Warmup_time" "워밍업 시간(초)" "[english]DoD_Warmup_time" "Warmup time (seconds)" "DoD_Allow_Flashlight" "손전등 사용" "[english]DoD_Allow_Flashlight" "Allow flashlight" "DoD_WinLimit" "승수 제한(회)" "[english]DoD_WinLimit" "Win limit (rounds)" "DoD_Timelimit" "맵 지속 시간(분)" "[english]DoD_Timelimit" "Time per map (minutes)" "DoD_capprogressbar" "구역 점령 진행률 표시" "[english]DoD_capprogressbar" "Show area capture progress bar" "chatprefix_team" "(팀)" "[english]chatprefix_team" "(Team)" "chatprefix_dead" "(사망)" "[english]chatprefix_dead" "(Dead)" "chatprefix_deadteam" "(사망)(팀)" "[english]chatprefix_deadteam" "(Dead)(Team)" "clan_allies_ready" "미육군 준비 완료" "[english]clan_allies_ready" "U.S. Army is READY" "clan_allies_not_ready" "미육군 준비 안됨" "[english]clan_allies_not_ready" "U.S. Army is NOT READY" "clan_axis_ready" "독일군 준비 완료" "[english]clan_axis_ready" "Wehrmacht is READY" "clan_axis_not_ready" "독일군 준비 안됨" "[english]clan_axis_not_ready" "Wehrmacht is NOT READY" "clan_game_restart" "게임이 %s1:%s2 후에 다시 시작합니다." "[english]clan_game_restart" "Game will restart in %s1:%s2" "Voice_subtitle_dropyourweapons" "무기를 버려라!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_dropyourweapons" "Drop your weapons!" "Voice_subtitle_medic" "의무병!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_medic" "Medic!" "Voice_subtitle_coverflanks" "측면을 엄호하라!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_coverflanks" "Cover the flanks!" "Voice_subtitle_tigerahead" "전방에 티거 전차다!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_tigerahead" "Tiger ahead!" "Voice_subtitle_tankahead" "전방에 전차 발견!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_tankahead" "Tank ahead!" "Voice_subtitle_niceshot" "명중이다!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_niceshot" "Nice shot!" "Voice_subtitle_thanks" "고맙네!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_thanks" "Thanks!" "Voice_subtitle_takeammo" "이 실탄을 받아!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_takeammo" "Take this ammo!" "Voice_subtitle_wegothim" "적의 진지를 제압했다! 이동한다!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_wegothim" "Enemy position knocked out! Move Up!" "Voice_subtitle_movewithtank" "전차를 따라 이동한다!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_movewithtank" "Move with the tank!" "Voice_subtitle_wtf" "젠장!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_wtf" "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!" "game_joined_allies" "*%s1 님이 미육군에 합류했습니다." "[english]game_joined_allies" "*%s1 joined the U.S. Army" "game_joined_axis" "*%s1 님이 독일군에 합류했습니다." "[english]game_joined_axis" "*%s1 joined the Wehrmacht" "game_joined_spectators" "*%s1 님께서 관전 중이십니다." "[english]game_joined_spectators" "*%s1 joined Spectators" "Allies_full" "미육군 정원이 찼습니다!" "[english]Allies_full" "The U.S. Army is full!" "Axis_full" "독일군 정원이 찼습니다!" "[english]Axis_full" "The Wehrmacht is full!" "All_Teams_Full" "모든 팀의 정원이 찼습니다!" "[english]All_Teams_Full" "All teams are full!" "classmenu_classfull" "정원 포화" "[english]classmenu_classfull" "Class is full" "classmenu_selectedclass" "선택된 플레이어:" "[english]classmenu_selectedclass" "SELECTED PLAYER:" "classmenu_autokill" "병과를 선택한 뒤에 바로 사망합니다" "[english]classmenu_autokill" "Suicide after selecting a class" "teammenu_numAllies" "미육군: %s1명" "[english]teammenu_numAllies" "U.S. Army : %s1 players" "teammenu_numAllies_1" "미육군: 1명" "[english]teammenu_numAllies_1" "U.S. Army : 1 player" "teammenu_numAxis" "독일군: %s1명" "[english]teammenu_numAxis" "Wehrmacht : %s1 players" "teammenu_numAxis_1" "독일군: 1명" "[english]teammenu_numAxis_1" "Wehrmacht : 1 player" "classinfo_k98" "+ 정밀한 사격용 장거리 무기 + 높은 파워, 볼트 작동식, 높은 명중률 + 특수 기능: 명중률과 배율을 높이는 가늠자 사격" "[english]classinfo_k98" "+ Long range weapon for precise shots + High power bolt-action with high accuracy + Secondary fire: Iron sight for greater accuracy and zoom" "classinfo_mp40" "+ 강습용 단거리 무기 + 파워와 반동 낮음, 완전 자동, 명중률 낮음 + 특수 기능: 주먹으로 가격" "[english]classinfo_mp40" "+ Short range weapon for assaults + Low power and recoil, fully automatic with low accuracy + Secondary fire: Punch" "classinfo_mp44" "+ 엄호 사격용 중거리 무기 + 파워와 반동 보통, 완전 자동, 명중률 보통 + 특수 기능: 명중률을 높여주는 단발 사격" "[english]classinfo_mp44" "+ Medium range weapon for covering fire + Medium power and recoil, fully automatic with medium accuracy + Secondary fire: Semi-automatic fire for greater accuracy" "classinfo_k98s" "+ 정밀 사격용 장거리 무기 + 높은 파워, 조준경 사용시 명중률 높고 비 사용시 낮음 + 특수 기능: 조준경 사용" "[english]classinfo_k98s" "+ Long range weapon for precise shots + High power, accurate when zoomed inaccurate when not + Secondary fire: Scope zoom" "classinfo_mg42" "+ 방어용 장거리 무기 + 높은 파워, 거치시 명중률 높고 비 거치시에는 낮음, 빠른 자동식 격발로 과열 위험 + 특수 기능: 평지에서 어디든지 양각대 설치 가능" "[english]classinfo_mg42" "+ Long range weapon for defense + High power, accurate when deployed uncontrollable when not, high automatic fire means overheating + Secondary fire: Deploys bipod on any level surface" "classinfo_pschreck" "+ 엄폐한 저격수나 기관총 제거를 위한 장거리 무기 + 높은 파워, 견착해야 로켓 발사가 가능하며 견착시 위험에 노출됨 + 특수 기능: 견착하여 발사" "[english]classinfo_pschreck" "+ Long range class for removing hidden snipers or machine guns + High power, must deploy to fire explosive rocket, vulnerable when deployed + Secondary fire: Deploy to shoot" "classinfo_garand" "+ 정밀 사격용 장거리 무기 + 높은 파워와 반동, 반자동, 명중률 높음 + 특수 기능: 명중률과 배율을 높이는 가늠자 사격" "[english]classinfo_garand" "+ Long range weapon for precise shots + High power and recoil, semi-automatic with high accuracy + Secondary fire: Iron sight for greater accuracy and zoom" "classinfo_tommy" "+ 강습용 단거리 무기 + 파워와 반동 낮음, 완전 자동, 명중률 낮음 + 특수 기능: 주먹으로 가격" "[english]classinfo_tommy" "+ Short range weapon for assaults + Low power and recoil, fully automati with low accuracy + Secondary fire: Punch" "classinfo_spring" "+ 정밀 사격용 장거리 무기 + 높은 파워, 조준경 사용시 명중률 높고 비 사용시 낮음 + 특수 기능: 조준경 사용" "[english]classinfo_spring" "+ Long range weapon for precise shots + High power, accurate when zoomed inaccurate when not + Secondary fire: Scope zoom" "classinfo_bar" "+ 엄호 사격용 중거리 무기 + 파워와 반동 보통, 완전 자동, 명중률 보통 + 특수 기능: 명중률을 높여주는 단발 사격" "[english]classinfo_bar" "+ Medium range weapon for covering fire + Medium power and recoil, fully automatic with medium accuracy + Secondary fire: Semi-automatic fire for greater accuracy" "classinfo_30cal" "+ 방어용 장거리 무기 + 높은 파워, 거치시 명중률 높고 비 거치시 낮음, 보통 자동식 격발로 과열 위험 없음 + 특수 기능: 평지에서는 어디든지 양각대 설치 가능" "[english]classinfo_30cal" "+ Long range weapon for defense + High power, accurate when deployed uncontrollable when not, medium automatic fire means no overheating + Secondary fire: Deploys bipod on any level surface" "classinfo_bazooka" "+ 엄폐한 저격수나 기관총 제거를 위한 장거리 무기 + 높은 파워, 견착해야 로켓 발사가 가능하며 견착시 위험에 노출됨 + 특수 기능: 견착하여 발사" "[english]classinfo_bazooka" "+ Long range weapon for removing hidden snipers or machine guns + High power, must deploy to fire explosive rocket, vulnerable when deployed + Secondary fire: Deploy to shoot" "classinfo_random" "+ 매번 부활할 때마다 새로운 역할이 임의대로 선택됩니다." "[english]classinfo_random" "+ Randomly selects a new role for you each time you spawn" "winpanel_lastcapper" "마지막 깃발 점령:" "[english]winpanel_lastcapper" "WINNING CAPTURE:" "winpanel_lastbomber" "결승 폭탄 설치:" "[english]winpanel_lastbomber" "WINNING BOMB PLANTER:" "winpanel_topcappers" "최다 지역 점령:" "[english]winpanel_topcappers" "Most Area Captures:" "winpanel_topdefenders" "최다 지역 방어:" "[english]winpanel_topdefenders" "Most Area Defenses:" "winpanel_topbomb" "최다 폭파:" "[english]winpanel_topbomb" "Most Bombs Detonated:" "winpanel_kills" "최다 사살:" "[english]winpanel_kills" "Most Kills:" "winpanel_total_time" "총 방어 시간: %s1" "[english]winpanel_total_time" "Total Time Defended: %s1" "winpanel_attack_time" "목표 달성 시간: %s1" "[english]winpanel_attack_time" "Objective Completed in: %s1" "dod_bomb_us_team_planted" "폭발물을 설치했습니다. 폭발할 때까지 설치 지점을 방어하십시오!" "[english]dod_bomb_us_team_planted" "We've planted the explosives. Defend the site until they detonate!" "dod_bomb_ger_team_planted" "폭발물을 설치했습니다. 폭발할 때까지 설치 지점을 방어하십시오!" "[english]dod_bomb_ger_team_planted" "We've planted the explosives. Defend the site until they detonate!" "dod_bomb_us_enemy_planted" "경고! 아군 진영에 폭발물이 설치되었습니다!" "[english]dod_bomb_us_enemy_planted" "Warning! Explosives have been planted in your area!" "dod_bomb_ger_enemy_planted" "경고! 아군 진영에 폭발물이 설치되었습니다!" "[english]dod_bomb_ger_enemy_planted" "Warning! Explosives have been planted in your area!" "dod_bomb_us_defused" "폭탄을 해체했다." "[english]dod_bomb_us_defused" "Bomb defused." "dod_bomb_ger_defused" "폭탄을 해체했다." "[english]dod_bomb_ger_defused" "Bomb defused." "dod_time_remaining_us_1_min" "종료 1분 전." "[english]dod_time_remaining_us_1_min" "One minute remaining." "dod_time_remaining_ger_1_min" "종료 1분 전." "[english]dod_time_remaining_ger_1_min" "One minute remaining." "dod_time_remaining_us_2_min" "종료 2분 전." "[english]dod_time_remaining_us_2_min" "Two minutes remaining." "dod_time_remaining_ger_2_min" "종료 2분 전." "[english]dod_time_remaining_ger_2_min" "Two minutes remaining." "dod_radio_prefix" "(무전)" "[english]dod_radio_prefix" "(Radio)" "dod_tnt_pickup_help" "TNT를 집었습니다." "[english]dod_tnt_pickup_help" "You picked up some TNT." "dod_wrong_way" "이쪽으로 갈 수 없습니다." "[english]dod_wrong_way" "You cannot go this way." "dod_point_halftrack" "반궤도 차량" "[english]dod_point_halftrack" "Halftrack" "dod_pont_halftrack_gun" "대공포" "[english]dod_pont_halftrack_gun" "AA Gun" "dod_point_tank" "셔먼 전차" "[english]dod_point_tank" "Sherman Tank" "dod_point_222_axis" "추축국 장갑차" "[english]dod_point_222_axis" "Axis Armored Car" "dod_point_gun_axis" "추축국 대공포" "[english]dod_point_gun_axis" "Axis AA Gun" "dod_point_tank_allied" "연합군 전차" "[english]dod_point_tank_allied" "Allied Tank" "dod_point_gun_allied" "연합군 대공포" "[english]dod_point_gun_allied" "Allied AA Gun" "ScoreBoard_Spectator" "%s1명 관전 중: %s2" "[english]ScoreBoard_Spectator" "%s1 spectator: %s2" "ScoreBoard_Spectators" "%s1명 관전 중: %s2" "[english]ScoreBoard_Spectators" "%s1 spectators: %s2" "Scoreboard_Server" "%s1" "[english]Scoreboard_Server" "%s1" "dod_autozoom" "발사 후 자동으로 재확대, 재견착 사용" "[english]dod_autozoom" "Deployed weapons will redeploy after firing a deployed shot." "DOD_THROW_BACK_GREN_NAME" "배신" "[english]DOD_THROW_BACK_GREN_NAME" "Double Cross" "DOD_THROW_BACK_GREN_DESC" "적이 던진 수류탄 또는 총류탄을 되받아 던져 적 1명을 폭살하세요" "[english]DOD_THROW_BACK_GREN_DESC" "Kill an enemy by throwing back one of their team's grenades or riflegrenades" "DOD_CONSECUTIVE_HEADSHOTS_NAME" "명사수" "[english]DOD_CONSECUTIVE_HEADSHOTS_NAME" "Marksman" "DOD_CONSECUTIVE_HEADSHOTS_DESC" "한 라운드에서 죽지 않고 5연속 헤드샷을 달성하세요" "[english]DOD_CONSECUTIVE_HEADSHOTS_DESC" "Score 5 consecutive headshots in a single round without dying" "DOD_MG_POSITION_STREAK_NAME" "킬로이가 여기 왔었노라" "[english]DOD_MG_POSITION_STREAK_NAME" "Kilroy Was Here" "DOD_MG_POSITION_STREAK_DESC" "한 곳에서 거치된 기관총으로 8명 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_MG_POSITION_STREAK_DESC" "Score 8 machinegun kills from a single deployed position" "DOD_WIN_KNIFE_FIGHT_NAME" "총기 반입 금지" "[english]DOD_WIN_KNIFE_FIGHT_NAME" "Don't Bring a Gun" "DOD_WIN_KNIFE_FIGHT_DESC" "칼전에서 승리하세요" "[english]DOD_WIN_KNIFE_FIGHT_DESC" "Win a knife fight" "DOD_PLAY_CUSTOM_MAPS_NAME" "탈영병" "[english]DOD_PLAY_CUSTOM_MAPS_NAME" "AWOL" "DOD_PLAY_CUSTOM_MAPS_DESC" "Day of Defeat 소스 비공식 맵을 5개 플레이하세요" "[english]DOD_PLAY_CUSTOM_MAPS_DESC" "Play on 5 non-official Day of Defeat Source maps" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_GRENADE_NAME" "근검 절약" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_GRENADE_NAME" "Rationing" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_GRENADE_DESC" "수류탄이나 총류탄 또는 바주카를 발사하여 한번에 4명 이상 폭살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_GRENADE_DESC" "Kill 4 or more players with a single grenade, riflegrenade or bazooka shot" "DOD_LONG_RANGE_ROCKET_NAME" "퇴거 통보" "[english]DOD_LONG_RANGE_ROCKET_NAME" "Eviction Notice" "DOD_LONG_RANGE_ROCKET_DESC" "로켓화기로 30미터 이상 거리에서 저격수 또는 기관총 사수를 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_LONG_RANGE_ROCKET_DESC" "Kill a deployed sniper or machinegunner from a distance greater than 100 feet with a rocket" "DOD_END_ROUND_KILLS_NAME" "포로는 필요 없다" "[english]DOD_END_ROUND_KILLS_NAME" "Take No Prisoners" "DOD_END_ROUND_KILLS_DESC" "라운드 승리 시간에 죽지 않고 4명 이상 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_END_ROUND_KILLS_DESC" "In a single life, kill 4 or more players in the victory time after winning a round" "DOD_CAP_LAST_FLAG_NAME" "교두보" "[english]DOD_CAP_LAST_FLAG_NAME" "Beachhead" "DOD_CAP_LAST_FLAG_DESC" "마지막 깃발을 점령하여 라운드를 승리하세요" "[english]DOD_CAP_LAST_FLAG_DESC" "Capture the final flag to win a round" "DOD_USE_ENEMY_WEAPONS_NAME" "전리품 수집가" "[english]DOD_USE_ENEMY_WEAPONS_NAME" "Trophy Collector" "DOD_USE_ENEMY_WEAPONS_DESC" "노획한 적 무기로 죽지 않고 5명 이상을 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_USE_ENEMY_WEAPONS_DESC" "Score 5 or more kills in a single life using scavenged enemy weapons" "DOD_KILL_DOMINATING_MG_NAME" "반란" "[english]DOD_KILL_DOMINATING_MG_NAME" "Putsch" "DOD_KILL_DOMINATING_MG_DESC" "한 곳에 거치한 기관총으로 8명 이상 사살한 기관총 사수를 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILL_DOMINATING_MG_DESC" "Kill a machinegunner who has killed 8 or more players from a single deployed position" "DOD_COLMAR_DEFENSE_NAME" "싹쓸이" "[english]DOD_COLMAR_DEFENSE_NAME" "Clean Sweep" "DOD_COLMAR_DEFENSE_DESC" "Dod_Colmar맵에서 적군이 아군 거점에 폭탄을 1개도 폭파하지 못하도록 막아서 승리하세요" "[english]DOD_COLMAR_DEFENSE_DESC" "Win Dod_Colmar without the other team detonating any bombs on your objectives" "DOD_BLOCK_CAPTURES_NAME" "나를 무시하지 마라" "[english]DOD_BLOCK_CAPTURES_NAME" "Don't Tread on Me" "DOD_BLOCK_CAPTURES_DESC" "적군의 라운드 승리의 마지막 깃발 점령을 막아내세요" "[english]DOD_BLOCK_CAPTURES_DESC" "Block a Flag Capture that would have won the round for the enemy team" "DOD_JAGD_OVERTIME_CAP_NAME" "헤일 메리" "[english]DOD_JAGD_OVERTIME_CAP_NAME" "Hail Mary" "DOD_JAGD_OVERTIME_CAP_DESC" "Dod_Jagd맵에서 오버타임에 폭파하는 폭탄을 설치하여 라운드를 연장하세요" "[english]DOD_JAGD_OVERTIME_CAP_DESC" "In Dod_Jagd, plant a bomb that explodes in overtime to extend the round" "DOD_WEAPON_MASTERY_NAME" "팔방미인" "[english]DOD_WEAPON_MASTERY_NAME" "Jack of All Trades" "DOD_WEAPON_MASTERY_DESC" "한 번에 기관총, 저격소총, 소총, 기관단총 및 수류탄으로 각각 1명 이상 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_WEAPON_MASTERY_DESC" "In a single life, get a kill with an MG, Sniper Rifle, Rifle, SubMG and a Grenade" "DOD_KILLS_AS_ALLIES_NAME" "명예 훈장" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_ALLIES_NAME" "Medal of Honor" "DOD_KILLS_AS_ALLIES_DESC" "연합군 플레이어로 총 5000명 사살 달성하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_ALLIES_DESC" "Get 5000 kills as an Allied player" "DOD_KILLS_AS_AXIS_NAME" "철십자 훈장" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_AXIS_NAME" "Iron Cross" "DOD_KILLS_AS_AXIS_DESC" "추축군 플레이어로 총 5000명 사살 달성하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_AXIS_DESC" "Get 5000 kills as an Axis player" "DOD_KILLS_AS_RIFLEMAN_NAME" "도그페이스" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_RIFLEMAN_NAME" "Dogface" "DOD_KILLS_AS_RIFLEMAN_DESC" "소총수 병과로 1000명 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_RIFLEMAN_DESC" "Get 1000 kills as the Rifleman player class" "DOD_KILLS_AS_ASSAULT_NAME" "선두병" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_ASSAULT_NAME" "Point Man" "DOD_KILLS_AS_ASSAULT_DESC" "돌격 병과로 1000명 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_ASSAULT_DESC" "Get 1000 kills as the Assault player class" "DOD_KILLS_AS_SUPPORT_NAME" "분대원" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_SUPPORT_NAME" "Squaddie" "DOD_KILLS_AS_SUPPORT_DESC" "지원화기 병과로 1000명 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_SUPPORT_DESC" "Get 1000 kills as the Support player class" "DOD_KILLS_AS_SNIPER_NAME" "헤드 헌터" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_SNIPER_NAME" "Head Hunter" "DOD_KILLS_AS_SNIPER_DESC" "저격수 병과로 1000명 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_SNIPER_DESC" "Get 1000 kills as the Sniper player class" "DOD_KILLS_AS_MG_NAME" "철의 장막" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_MG_NAME" "The Iron Curtain" "DOD_KILLS_AS_MG_DESC" "기관총 사수 병과로 1000명 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_MG_DESC" "Get 1000 kills as the Machinegunner player class" "DOD_KILLS_AS_BAZOOKAGUY_NAME" "대전차병" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_BAZOOKAGUY_NAME" "HEATer" "DOD_KILLS_AS_BAZOOKAGUY_DESC" "로켓 병과로 1000명 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_BAZOOKAGUY_DESC" "Get 1000 kills as the Rocket player class" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_GARAND_NAME" "가스불로 요리하듯" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_GARAND_NAME" "Cookin' With Gas" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_GARAND_DESC" "개런드 소총으로 500명 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_GARAND_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the Garand" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_THOMPSON_NAME" "마피아" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_THOMPSON_NAME" "Capo" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_THOMPSON_DESC" "톰슨 기관단총으로 500명 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_THOMPSON_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the Thompson" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_BAR_NAME" "가끔가다 잘 맞는 브라우닝자동소총" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_BAR_NAME" "Sometimes the BAR Gets You" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_BAR_DESC" "브라우닝 자동소총으로 500명 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_BAR_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the BAR" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_SPRING_NAME" "프로듀서" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_SPRING_NAME" "The Producer" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_SPRING_DESC" "스프링필드 소총으로 500명 저격하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_SPRING_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the Springfield" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_30CAL_NAME" "국민총" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_30CAL_NAME" "Johnnie Gun" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_30CAL_DESC" "30구경 기관총으로 500명 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_30CAL_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the .30 Cal" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_BAZOOKA_NAME" "로켓 파워" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_BAZOOKA_NAME" "Rocket Powered" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_BAZOOKA_DESC" "바주카로 500명 폭살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_BAZOOKA_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the Bazooka" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_K98_NAME" "볼트 액션" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_K98_NAME" "Bolt Action" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_K98_DESC" "Kar98k 소총으로 500명 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_K98_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the K98k" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_MP40_NAME" "용트림" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_MP40_NAME" "The Big Burp" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_MP40_DESC" "MP40 기관단총으로 500명 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_MP40_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the MP40" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_MP44_NAME" "세기의 돌격" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_MP44_NAME" "Storm of the Century" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_MP44_DESC" "MP44 돌격 소총으로 500명 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_MP44_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the MP44" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_K98SCOPED_NAME" "빌헬름 텔" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_K98SCOPED_NAME" "Wilhelm Tell" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_K98SCOPED_DESC" "K98 저격소총으로 500명 저격하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_K98SCOPED_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the K98 Sniper Rifle" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_MG42_NAME" "학살자" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_MG42_NAME" "Linoleum Ripper" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_MG42_DESC" "MG42 기관총으로 500명 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_MG42_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the MG42" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_PSCHRECK_NAME" "전차 테러" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_PSCHRECK_NAME" "Tank Terror" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_PSCHRECK_DESC" "판저슈렉으로 500명 폭살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_PSCHRECK_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the Pschreck" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_COLT_NAME" "올드스쿨" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_COLT_NAME" "Old School" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_COLT_DESC" "콜트 권총으로 150명 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_COLT_DESC" "Get 150 kills with the Colt" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_P38_NAME" "연발 권총" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_P38_NAME" "Roscoe" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_P38_DESC" "P38 권총으로 150명 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_P38_DESC" "Get 150 kills with the P38" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_C96_NAME" "빗자루손잡이" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_C96_NAME" "Broomhandler" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_C96_DESC" "C96 기관권총으로 150명 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_C96_DESC" "Get 150 kills with the C96" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_M1CARBINE_NAME" "기총병" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_M1CARBINE_NAME" "Carbineer" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_M1CARBINE_DESC" "M1 카빈 소총으로 150명 사살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_M1CARBINE_DESC" "Get 150 kills with the M1 Carbine" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_AMERKNIFE_NAME" "목베기" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_AMERKNIFE_NAME" "Cutthroat" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_AMERKNIFE_DESC" "대검으로 150명을 쓰러뜨리세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_AMERKNIFE_DESC" "Get 150 kills with the Knife" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_SPADE_NAME" "승리의 삽질!" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_SPADE_NAME" "Dig For Victory!" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_SPADE_DESC" "야전삽으로 150명을 쓰러뜨리세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_SPADE_DESC" "Get 150 kills with the Shovel" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_PUNCH_NAME" "핵주먹" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_PUNCH_NAME" "Knuckleduster" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_PUNCH_DESC" "주먹으로 150명을 쓰러뜨리세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_PUNCH_DESC" "Get 150 kills with your fists" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_FRAG_US_NAME" "달걀 투척자" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_FRAG_US_NAME" "Egg Layer" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_FRAG_US_DESC" "미군 수류탄으로 250명 폭살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_FRAG_US_DESC" "Get 250 kills with the US Frag Grenade" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_FRAG_GER_NAME" "감자 으깨기" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_FRAG_GER_NAME" "Potato Masher" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_FRAG_GER_DESC" "막대 수류탄으로 250명 폭살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_FRAG_GER_DESC" "Get 250 kills with the Stick Grenade" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_RIFLEGREN_US_NAME" "융단 폭격기" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_RIFLEGREN_US_NAME" "Carpet Bomber" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_RIFLEGREN_US_DESC" "개런드 총류탄으로 250명 폭살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_RIFLEGREN_US_DESC" "Get 250 kills with the Garand's Rifle Grenade" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_RIFLEGREN_GER_NAME" "죄수 호송차" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_RIFLEGREN_GER_NAME" "Black Maria" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_RIFLEGREN_GER_DESC" "Kar98k 총류탄으로 250명 폭살하세요" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_RIFLEGREN_GER_DESC" "Get 250 kills with the K98k's Rifle Grenade" "DOD_CAPTURE_GRIND_NAME" "전사의 길" "[english]DOD_CAPTURE_GRIND_NAME" "On the Warpath" "DOD_CAPTURE_GRIND_DESC" "깃발을 점령하여 100점을 얻으세요" "[english]DOD_CAPTURE_GRIND_DESC" "Score 100 Flag Captures" "DOD_BLOCK_CAPTURES_GRIND_NAME" "미쳤구만!" "[english]DOD_BLOCK_CAPTURES_GRIND_NAME" "Nuts!" "DOD_BLOCK_CAPTURES_GRIND_DESC" "깃발 점령을 100 번 차단하세요" "[english]DOD_BLOCK_CAPTURES_GRIND_DESC" "Block 100 Flag Captures" "DOD_ROUNDS_WON_GRIND_NAME" "전쟁의 신" "[english]DOD_ROUNDS_WON_GRIND_NAME" "Warlord" "DOD_ROUNDS_WON_GRIND_DESC" "라운드를 100 회 승리하세요" "[english]DOD_ROUNDS_WON_GRIND_DESC" "Win 100 rounds" "DOD_BOMBS_PLANTED_GRIND_NAME" "폭파병" "[english]DOD_BOMBS_PLANTED_GRIND_NAME" "Demolition Man" "DOD_BOMBS_PLANTED_GRIND_DESC" "적 목표에 폭탄을 100 개 설치하세요" "[english]DOD_BOMBS_PLANTED_GRIND_DESC" "Plant 100 bombs on enemy objectives" "DOD_BOMBS_DEFUSED_GRIND_NAME" "전투 공병" "[english]DOD_BOMBS_DEFUSED_GRIND_NAME" "Combat Engineer" "DOD_BOMBS_DEFUSED_GRIND_DESC" "적이 심어놓은 폭탄을 100 개를 해제하세요" "[english]DOD_BOMBS_DEFUSED_GRIND_DESC" "Defuse 100 enemy bombs" "DOD_ALL_PACK_1_NAME" "전쟁 영웅" "[english]DOD_ALL_PACK_1_NAME" "War Hero" "DOD_ALL_PACK_1_DESC" "모든 과제를 달성한 자에게 수여됩니다" "[english]DOD_ALL_PACK_1_DESC" "Complete All Achievements" "FreezePanel_NoKiller" "사망하였습니다." "[english]FreezePanel_NoKiller" "You were killed" "FreezePanel_Killer" "이 플레이어에 의해 사망하였습니다:" "[english]FreezePanel_Killer" "You were killed by" "FreezePanel_Killer_Dead" "이미 사망한 플레이어에 의해 사망하였습니다:" "[english]FreezePanel_Killer_Dead" "You were killed by the late" "FreezePanel_Nemesis" "이 플레이어에 의해 다시 사망하였습니다:" "[english]FreezePanel_Nemesis" "You were killed again by" "FreezePanel_Nemesis_Dead" "이미 사망한 플레이어에 의해 다시 사망하였습니다:" "[english]FreezePanel_Nemesis_Dead" "You were killed again by the late" "FreezePanel_KillerHealth" "남은 체력: %s1" "[english]FreezePanel_KillerHealth" "Health left: %s1" "FreezePanel_NewNemesis" "새로운 강적 등장!" "[english]FreezePanel_NewNemesis" "New Nemesis!" "FreezePanel_GotRevenge" "복수다!" "[english]FreezePanel_GotRevenge" "Revenge!" "FreezePanel_FreezeNemesis" "강적" "[english]FreezePanel_FreezeNemesis" "Nemesis" "FreezePanel_Callout" "플레이어" "[english]FreezePanel_Callout" "You" "TF_freezecam_snapshot" "[%s1] 키로 이 순간을 저장하세요!" "[english]TF_freezecam_snapshot" "[%s1] Save this moment!" "Msg_Dominating" "님이 우세" "[english]Msg_Dominating" "is DOMINATING" "Msg_Revenge" "님이 복수" "[english]Msg_Revenge" "got REVENGE on" "Scoreboard_Nemesis" "강적" "[english]Scoreboard_Nemesis" "NEMESIS" "Scoreboard_Dominated" "제압" "[english]Scoreboard_Dominated" "DOMINATED" "DOD_BEAT_THE_HEAT_NAME" "더위를 이기다" "[english]DOD_BEAT_THE_HEAT_NAME" "Beat the Heat" "DOD_BEAT_THE_HEAT_DESC" "겨울을 주제로 한 맵: Dod_Kalt와 Dod_Colmar에서 한 라운드씩 승리하세요" "[english]DOD_BEAT_THE_HEAT_DESC" "Win a round on each of the winter themed maps: Dod_Kalt and Dod_Colmar" } }