"lang" { "Language" "spanish" "Tokens" { "Cstrike_Reset_View" "Restablecer vista" "[english]Cstrike_Reset_View" "Reset view" "Cstrike_Mouse_Look" "Vista ratón" "[english]Cstrike_Mouse_Look" "Mouse look" "DoD_Communication_Title" "OPCIONES DE COMUNICACIÓN" "[english]DoD_Communication_Title" "COMMUNICATION COMMANDS" "DoD_Menu_Title" "Opciones de Day of Defeat" "[english]DoD_Menu_Title" "DAY OF DEFEAT COMMANDS" "DoD_Voice_Menu_1" "Menú de voz 1" "[english]DoD_Voice_Menu_1" "Voice menu 1" "DoD_Voice_Menu_2" "Menú de voz 2" "[english]DoD_Voice_Menu_2" "Voice menu 2" "DoD_Voice_Menu_3" "Menú de voz 3" "[english]DoD_Voice_Menu_3" "Voice menu 3" "DoD_Drop_Weapon" "Soltar arma principal" "[english]DoD_Drop_Weapon" "Drop Primary Weapon" "DoD_Drop_Ammo" "Soltar munición adicional" "[english]DoD_Drop_Ammo" "Drop Extra Ammo" "DoD_Use_Pick_Up_Grenades" "Usar objeto / Recoger granadas" "[english]DoD_Use_Pick_Up_Grenades" "Use item / Pick up Grenades" "DoD_Open_Map" "Abrir mapa" "[english]DoD_Open_Map" "Open Map" "DoD_Map_Zoom" "Zoom de minimapa" "[english]DoD_Map_Zoom" "Minimap Zoom" "DoD_Toggle_Large_Map" "Activar/desactivar mapa a pantalla completa" "[english]DoD_Toggle_Large_Map" "Toggle Full Screen Map" "DoD_Movement_Title" "OPCIONES DE MOVIMIENTO" "[english]DoD_Movement_Title" "MOVEMENT COMMANDS" "DoD_Prone" "Boca abajo" "[english]DoD_Prone" "Prone" "DoD_Sprint" "Carrera" "[english]DoD_Sprint" "Sprint" "DoD_Combat_Title" "OPCIONES DE COMBATE" "[english]DoD_Combat_Title" "COMBAT COMMANDS" "DoD_AutoHelp" "Ayuda automática" "[english]DoD_AutoHelp" "Auto-help" "DoD_Dynamic_Xhair" "Usar mira dinámica" "[english]DoD_Dynamic_Xhair" "Use Dynamic Crosshair" "DoD_Easymode" "Compañeros de equipo identificados con iconos arriba" "[english]DoD_Easymode" "Teammates Identified with Overhead Icons" "DoD_ParticleFX" "Calidad de los efectos especiales" "[english]DoD_ParticleFX" "Quality of Special Effects" "DoD_Particles_Low" "Baja" "[english]DoD_Particles_Low" "Low" "DoD_Particles_Medium" "Media" "[english]DoD_Particles_Medium" "Medium" "DoD_Particles_High" "Alta" "[english]DoD_Particles_High" "High" "DoD_Fog" "Mostrar niebla" "[english]DoD_Fog" "Show Fog" "DoD_TK_Penalty" "Límite de bajas en el equipo" "[english]DoD_TK_Penalty" "Teamkill Limit" "Dod_IdentIconMode" "Estilo de icono de compañeros de equipo" "[english]Dod_IdentIconMode" "Teammate icon style" "Dod_identicon_none" "sin iconos" "[english]Dod_identicon_none" "no icons" "Dod_identicon_target" "iconos sobre el objetivo" "[english]Dod_identicon_target" "icons over target's head" "Dod_identicon_everyone" "iconos sobre todos los compañeros de equipo" "[english]Dod_identicon_everyone" "icons over all teammates" "DoD_Fire_Marker" "Colocar un indicador de mapa bajo el cursor" "[english]DoD_Fire_Marker" "Place a map marker under cursor" "DoD_Next_Marker" "Seleccionar indicador de mapa siguiente" "[english]DoD_Next_Marker" "Select next map marker" "DoD_Prev_Marker" "Seleccionar indicador de mapa anterior" "[english]DoD_Prev_Marker" "Select previous map marker" "DoD_classautokill" "Suicidio después de elegir clase de jugador" "[english]DoD_classautokill" "Suicide after choosing a player class" "Dod_enabledeatheffects" "Mostrar efecto de película vieja al morir" "[english]Dod_enabledeatheffects" "Show Film Grain Effect when dead" "Dod_enablespectatoreffects" "Mostrar efecto de película vieja en modo espectador" "[english]Dod_enablespectatoreffects" "Show Film Grain Effect when in spectator" "PlayerStatus" "Estado" "[english]PlayerStatus" "Status" "PlayerClass" "Clase" "[english]PlayerClass" "Class" "DODPlayerScore" "Objetivos" "[english]DODPlayerScore" "Objectives" "PlayerFrags" "K" "[english]PlayerFrags" "K" "PlayerDeath" "D" "[english]PlayerDeath" "D" "PlayerPing" "Ping" "[english]PlayerPing" "Ping" "PlayerVoice" "Voz" "[english]PlayerVoice" "Voice" "class_allied_garand_n" "1 FUSILERO" "[english]class_allied_garand_n" "1 RIFLEMAN" "class_allied_thompson_n" "2 ASALTO" "[english]class_allied_thompson_n" "2 ASSAULT" "class_allied_heavy_n" "3 REFUERZO" "[english]class_allied_heavy_n" "3 SUPPORT" "class_allied_sniper_n" "4 FRANCOTIRADOR" "[english]class_allied_sniper_n" "4 SNIPER" "class_allied_mg_n" "5 AMETRALLADOR" "[english]class_allied_mg_n" "5 MACHINE GUNNER" "class_allied_bazooka_n" "6 COHETE" "[english]class_allied_bazooka_n" "6 ROCKET" "class_allied_random_n" "&9 ALEATORIA" "[english]class_allied_random_n" "&9 RANDOM" "class_axis_kar98_n" "1 FUSILERO" "[english]class_axis_kar98_n" "1 RIFLEMAN" "class_axis_mp40_n" "2 ASALTO" "[english]class_axis_mp40_n" "2 ASSAULT" "class_axis_mp44_n" "3 REFUERZO" "[english]class_axis_mp44_n" "3 SUPPORT" "class_axis_sniper_n" "4 FRANCOTIRADOR" "[english]class_axis_sniper_n" "4 SNIPER" "class_axis_mg42_n" "5 AMETRALLADOR" "[english]class_axis_mg42_n" "5 MACHINE GUNNER" "class_axis_pschreck_n" "6 COHETE" "[english]class_axis_pschreck_n" "6 ROCKET" "class_axis_random_n" "&9 ALEATORIA" "[english]class_axis_random_n" "&9 RANDOM" "class_allied_garand" "Fusilero" "[english]class_allied_garand" "Rifleman" "class_allied_thompson" "Asalto" "[english]class_allied_thompson" "Assault" "class_allied_sniper" "Francotirador" "[english]class_allied_sniper" "Sniper" "class_allied_heavy" "Refuerzo" "[english]class_allied_heavy" "Support" "class_allied_mg" "Ametrallador" "[english]class_allied_mg" "Machine Gunner" "class_allied_bazooka" "Cohete" "[english]class_allied_bazooka" "Rocket" "class_axis_kar98" "Fusilero" "[english]class_axis_kar98" "Rifleman" "class_axis_mp40" "Asalto" "[english]class_axis_mp40" "Assault" "class_axis_mp44" "Refuerzo" "[english]class_axis_mp44" "Support" "class_axis_sniper" "Francotirador" "[english]class_axis_sniper" "Sniper" "class_axis_mg42" "Ametrallador" "[english]class_axis_mg42" "Machine Gunner" "class_axis_pschreck" "Cohete" "[english]class_axis_pschreck" "Rocket" "class_random" "Aleatoria" "[english]class_random" "Random" "class_random_para" "Aleatoria" "[english]class_random_para" "Random" "scoreboard_Player" "%s1 - %s2 jugador" "[english]scoreboard_Player" "%s1 - %s2 player" "scoreboard_Players" "%s1 - %s2 jugadores" "[english]scoreboard_Players" "%s1 - %s2 players" "scoreboard_status_dead" "MUERTO" "[english]scoreboard_status_dead" "DEAD" "scoreboard_teamscore" "Rondas ganadas: %s1 ( +%s2 )" "[english]scoreboard_teamscore" "Rounds Won: %s1 ( +%s2 )" "Dod_Capture_Blocked" "Captura bloqueada por el enemigo" "[english]Dod_Capture_Blocked" "Capture Blocked by Enemy" "Dod_Blocking_Capture" "Bloqueando captura del enemigo" "[english]Dod_Blocking_Capture" "Blocking Enemy Capture" "Dod_Waiting_for_teammate" "Esperando a un\ncompañero de equipo" "[english]Dod_Waiting_for_teammate" "Waiting for Teammate" "Dod_reinforcements_in_mins" "Te volverás a regenerar en %s1 minutos %s2 segundos" "[english]Dod_reinforcements_in_mins" "You will respawn in %s1 minutes %s2 seconds" "Dod_reinforcements_in_min" "Te volverás a regenerar en 1 minuto %s2 segundos" "[english]Dod_reinforcements_in_min" "You will respawn in 1 minute %s2 seconds" "Dod_reinforcements_in_secs" "Te volverás a regenerar en %s1 segundos" "[english]Dod_reinforcements_in_secs" "You will respawn in %s1 seconds" "Dod_reinforcements_in_sec" "Te volverás a regenerar en %s1 segundo" "[english]Dod_reinforcements_in_sec" "You will respawn in %s1 second" "Dod_reinforcements_prepare_to_respawn" "Prepárate para volver a regenerarte" "[english]Dod_reinforcements_prepare_to_respawn" "Prepare to respawn!" "Dod_Team_Allies" "&1 Ejército EE. UU." "[english]Dod_Team_Allies" "&1 U.S. Army" "Dod_Team_Axis" "&2 Wehrmacht" "[english]Dod_Team_Axis" "&2 Wehrmacht" "Cstrike_Cancel" "&0 Cancelar" "[english]Cstrike_Cancel" "&0 Cancel" "Cstrike_Team_AutoAssign" "&4 Asignación\nautomática" "[english]Cstrike_Team_AutoAssign" "&4 Auto-Assign" "Cstrike_Menu_Spectate" "&3 Espectador" "[english]Cstrike_Menu_Spectate" "&3 Spectate" "Cstrike_OK" "Aceptar" "[english]Cstrike_OK" "Ok" "Dod_Currently_on_your_team" "Actualmente hay %s1 jugadores de esta clase en tu equipo" "[english]Dod_Currently_on_your_team" "There are currently %s1 players of this class on your team" "Dod_Currently_on_your_team_one" "Actualmente hay 1 jugador de esta clase en tu equipo" "[english]Dod_Currently_on_your_team_one" "There is currently 1 player of this class on your team" "Dod_class_full" "El servidor ha alcanzado el número máximo de esta clase (límite %s1)" "[english]Dod_class_full" "Server has reached the maximum number of this class ( Limit %s1 )" "Dod_Join_Team" "SELECCIONA UN EQUIPO" "[english]Dod_Join_Team" "SELECT A TEAM" "Dod_Map_Label" "ESCENARIO:" "[english]Dod_Map_Label" "SCENARIO:" "Dod_Select_weapons" "SELECCIONA TUS ARMAS" "[english]Dod_Select_weapons" "SELECT YOUR WEAPONS" "Dod_Primary_wpn" "ARMA PRINCIPAL:" "[english]Dod_Primary_wpn" "PRIMARY WEAPON:" "Dod_other_wpns" "OTRAS ARMAS:" "[english]Dod_other_wpns" "OTHER WEAPONS:" "Dod_Spec_Allies_Score" "Ejército EE. UU.:" "[english]Dod_Spec_Allies_Score" "U.S. Army:" "Dod_Spec_Axis_Score" "Wehrmacht:" "[english]Dod_Spec_Axis_Score" "Wehrmacht:" "wpn_stat_dmg" "DAÑOS" "[english]wpn_stat_dmg" "DAMAGE" "wpn_stat_accuracy" "PRECISIÓN" "[english]wpn_stat_accuracy" "ACCURACY" "wpn_stat_control" "CONTROL" "[english]wpn_stat_control" "CONTROL" "wpn_stat_rof" "CADENCIA" "[english]wpn_stat_rof" "RATE OF FIRE" "Teamname_Allies" "Ejército EE. UU." "[english]Teamname_Allies" "U.S. Army" "Teamname_Axis" "Wehrmacht" "[english]Teamname_Axis" "Wehrmacht" "Teamname_Spectators" "Espectadores" "[english]Teamname_Spectators" "Spectators" "cls_garand" "Fusilero" "[english]cls_garand" "Rifleman" "cls_tommy" "Asalto" "[english]cls_tommy" "Assault" "cls_spring" "Francotirador" "[english]cls_spring" "Sniper" "cls_bar" "Refuerzo" "[english]cls_bar" "Support" "cls_30cal" "Ametrallador" "[english]cls_30cal" "Machine Gunner" "cls_bazooka" "Cohete" "[english]cls_bazooka" "Rocket" "cls_k98" "Fusilero" "[english]cls_k98" "Rifleman" "cls_mp40" "Asalto" "[english]cls_mp40" "Assault" "cls_mp44" "Refuerzo" "[english]cls_mp44" "Support" "cls_k98s" "Francotirador" "[english]cls_k98s" "Sniper" "cls_mg42" "Ametrallador" "[english]cls_mg42" "Machine Gunner" "cls_pschreck" "Cohete" "[english]cls_pschreck" "Rocket" "wpn_garand" "Fusil Garand M1" "[english]wpn_garand" "M1 Garand" "wpn_carbine" "Carabina M1" "[english]wpn_carbine" "M1 Carbine" "wpn_tommy" "Metralleta Thompson" "[english]wpn_tommy" "Thompson" "wpn_spring" "Rifle Springfield" "[english]wpn_spring" "Springfield" "wpn_bar" "Rifle automático BAR" "[english]wpn_bar" "BAR" "wpn_30cal" "Rifle del calibre .30" "[english]wpn_30cal" ".30 Cal" "wpn_k98" "Rifle K98k" "[english]wpn_k98" "K98k" "wpn_mp40" "Ametralladora MP40" "[english]wpn_mp40" "MP40" "wpn_mp44" "Fusil Stg44" "[english]wpn_mp44" "Stg44" "wpn_k98s" "Fusil de francotirador K98" "[english]wpn_k98s" "K98 Sniper" "wpn_mg42" "Ametralladora MG42" "[english]wpn_mg42" "MG42" "wpn_bazooka" "Bazuca" "[english]wpn_bazooka" "Bazooka" "wpn_pschreck" "Panzerschreck" "[english]wpn_pschreck" "Panzerschreck" "dod_kicked_reason_tk" "Has sido expulsado de la partida por matar a tus compañeros de equipo" "[english]dod_kicked_reason_tk" "You have been kicked from the game for killing your teammates" "Dod_no_players_on_this_team" "En este equipo no hay jugadores" "[english]Dod_no_players_on_this_team" "There are no players on this team" "Dod_players_on_team" "%s1: %s2 (puntuación: %s3 )\n%s4" "[english]Dod_players_on_team" "%s1: %s2 ( Score: %s3 )\n%s4" "Dod_players_on_team_spec" "%s1: %s2\n%s3" "[english]Dod_players_on_team_spec" "%s1: %s2\n%s3" "Dod_Player" "1 jugador" "[english]Dod_Player" "1 Player" "Dod_Players" "%s1 jugadores" "[english]Dod_Players" "%s1 Players" "Dod_AutoReload" "Recargar armas automáticamente" "[english]Dod_AutoReload" "Automatically Reload Weapons" "Clan_awaiting_ready" "La ronda volverá a empezar después de que ambos equipos den la señal" "[english]Clan_awaiting_ready" "Round will restart after both teams give the ready signal" "clan_warmup_rules" "Entras en el modo calentamiento de partidas de clanes.\nNo se puede puntuar.\n" "[english]clan_warmup_rules" "Entering clan match warm-up mode.\nNo points can be scored.\n" "clan_ready_rules" "La partida volverá a empezar cuando ambos equipos den la señal: '%s1'\n" "[english]clan_ready_rules" "Match will restart when both teams give the ready signal: '%s1'\n" "Clan_warmup_mode" "Modo calentamiento" "[english]Clan_warmup_mode" "Warmup Mode" "Clan_match_live" "¡LA PARTIDA HA EMPEZADO!" "[english]Clan_match_live" "MATCH IS LIVE!" "Clan_time_remaining" "La partida de clanes empezará dentro de: %s1 min. %s2 seg." "[english]Clan_time_remaining" "Clan Match Begins in : %s1 mins %s2 secs" "Dod_current_marker" "Marcador de mapa actual" "[english]Dod_current_marker" "Current Map Marker" "Dod_mg_reload" "Despliega tu ametralladora para recargarla." "[english]Dod_mg_reload" "Deploy your machine gun to Reload!" "OBS_NONE" "Opciones de cámara" "[english]OBS_NONE" "Camera Options" "OBS_CHASE_LOCKED" "Cám. seguimiento bloq." "[english]OBS_CHASE_LOCKED" "Locked Chase Cam" "OBS_CHASE_FREE" "Cám. seguimiento libre" "[english]OBS_CHASE_FREE" "Free Chase Cam" "OBS_ROAMING" "Mirada libre" "[english]OBS_ROAMING" "Free Look" "OBS_IN_EYE" "Primera persona" "[english]OBS_IN_EYE" "First Person" "OBS_MAP_FREE" "Vista gen. libre" "[english]OBS_MAP_FREE" "Free Overview" "OBS_MAP_CHASE" "Vista gen. seguimiento" "[english]OBS_MAP_CHASE" "Chase Overview" "Spec_Mode1" "Cám. seguimiento bloq." "[english]Spec_Mode1" "Locked Chase Cam" "Spec_Mode2" "Cám. seguimiento libre" "[english]Spec_Mode2" "Free Chase Cam" "Spec_Mode3" "Mirada libre" "[english]Spec_Mode3" "Free Look" "Spec_Mode4" "Primera persona" "[english]Spec_Mode4" "First Person" "Spec_Mode5" "Vista gen. libre" "[english]Spec_Mode5" "Free Overview" "Spec_Mode6" "Vista gen. seguimiento" "[english]Spec_Mode6" "Chase Overview" "Spec_NoTarget" "No hay objetivos válidos. No se puede pasar al modo cámara persecución." "[english]Spec_NoTarget" "No valid targets. Cannot switch to Chase-Camera Mode." "game_uneven_teams" "Equipos desiguales. Incorpórate al equipo con menos jugadores." "[english]game_uneven_teams" "Uneven teams. Please join the team with fewer players." "game_switch_teams_once" "Sólo se puede cambiar de equipo una vez entre regeneraciones." "[english]game_switch_teams_once" "Only allowed to switch teams once between respawns." "menu_AmerVoiceA" "1. ¡Adelante, adelante! 2. ¡Mantened posición! 3. ¡Pelotón, flanco izquierdo! 4. ¡Pelotón, flanco derecho! 5. ¡No os separéis! 6. ¡Fuego de cobertura! 7. ¡Ahumadlos! 8. ¡Lanzad las granadas! 9. ¡Alto el fuego! 0. Cancelar " "[english]menu_AmerVoiceA" "1. Go go go! 2. Hold this position! 3. Squad, flank left! 4. Squad, flank right! 5. Stick together! 6. Covering fire! 7. Smoke em! 8. Use your grenades! 9. Cease fire! 0. Cancel " "Menu_AmerVoiceB" "1. ¡Sí, señor! 2. ¡Negativo! 3. ¡Necesito que me cubran! 4. ¡Fuego a discreción! 5. ¡Granada! ¡A cubierto! 6. ¡Francotirador! 7. ¡Buen tiro! 8. ¡Gracias! 9. ¡Zona despejada! 0. Cancelar " "[english]Menu_AmerVoiceB" "1. Yes Sir! 2. Negative! 3. I need backup! 4. Fire in the hole! 5. Grenade, take cover! 6. Sniper! 7. Nice shot! 8. Thanks! 9. Area clear! 0. Cancel " "Menu_AmerVoiceC" "1. ¡Soltad las armas! 2. ¡Moveos! 3. ¡Ametralladora delante! 4. ¡Enemigo detrás! 5. ¡Enemigo derribado! ¡Adelante! 6. ¡Necesitamos una ametralladora por aquí! 7. ¡Necesito munición! 8. ¡Ese bazuca! 9. ¡Panzerschreck! 0. Cancelar" "[english]Menu_AmerVoiceC" "1. Drop your weapons! 2. Displace! 3. MG Ahead! 4. Enemy behind us! 5. Enemy knocked out, move up! 6. We need an MG up here! 7. I need Ammo! 8. Use the bazooka! 9. Panzerschreck! 0. Cancel" "Menu_GerVoiceA" "1. ¡Adelante, adelante! 2. ¡Mantened posición! 3. ¡Pelotón, flanco izquierdo! 4. ¡Pelotón, flanco derecho! 5. ¡No os separéis! 6. ¡Fuego de cobertura! 7. ¡Ahumadlos! 8. ¡Lanzad las granadas! 9. ¡Alto el fuego! 0. Cancelar " "[english]Menu_GerVoiceA" "1. Go go go! 2. Hold this position! 3. Squad, flank left! 4. Squad, flank right! 5. Stick together! 6. Covering fire! 7. Smoke em! 8. Use your grenades! 9. Cease fire! 0. Cancel " "Menu_GerVoiceB" "1. ¡Sí, señor! 2. ¡Negativo! 3. ¡Necesito que me cubran! 4. ¡Fuego a discreción! 5. ¡Granada! 6. ¡Francotirador! 7. ¡Buen tiro! 8. ¡Gracias! 9. ¡Zona despejada! 0. Cancelar " "[english]Menu_GerVoiceB" "1. Yes sir! 2. Negative! 3. I need backup! 4. Fire in the hole! 5. Grenade! 6. Sniper! 7. Nice Shot! 8. Thanks! 9. Area clear! 0. Cancel " "Menu_GerVoiceC" "1. ¡Soltad las armas! 2. ¡Moveos! 3. ¡Ametralladora delante! 4. ¡Enemigo detrás! 5. ¡Enemigo derribado! ¡Adelante! 6. ¡Necesitamos una ametralladora por aquí! 7. ¡Necesito munición! 8. ¡Ese Panzerschreck! 9. ¡Bazuca! 0. Cancelar " "[english]Menu_GerVoiceC" "1. Drop your weapons! 2. Displace! 3. MG Ahead! 4. Enemy behind us! 5. Enemy knocked out, move up! 6. We need an MG up here! 7. I need Ammo! 8. Use the panzerschreck! 9. Bazooka! 0. Cancel " "Voice_subtitle_attack" "¡Adelante, adelante!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_attack" "Go go go!" "Voice_subtitle_hold" "¡Mantened posición!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_hold" "Hold this position!" "Voice_subtitle_fallback" "¡Replegaos!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_fallback" "Fall Back!" "Voice_subtitle_left" "¡Pelotón, flanco izquierdo!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_left" "Squad, flank left!" "Voice_subtitle_right" "¡Pelotón, flanco derecho!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_right" "Squad, flank right!" "Voice_subtitle_sticktogether" "¡Pelotón, no os separéis!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_sticktogether" "Squad, stick together!" "Voice_subtitle_cover" "¡Pelotón, fuego de cobertura!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_cover" "Squad, covering fire!" "Voice_subtitle_usegrens" "¡Lanzad las granadas!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_usegrens" "Use your grenades!" "Voice_subtitle_ceasefire" "¡Alto el fuego!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_ceasefire" "Cease fire!" "Voice_subtitle_yessir" "¡Sí, señor!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_yessir" "Yes Sir!" "Voice_subtitle_negative" "¡Negativo!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_negative" "Negative!" "Voice_subtitle_backup" "¡Necesito que me cubran!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_backup" "I need backup!" "Voice_subtitle_fireinhole" "¡Fuego a discreción!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_fireinhole" "Fire in the hole!" "Voice_subtitle_grenade" "¡Granada! ¡A cubierto!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_grenade" "Grenade, take cover!" "Voice_subtitle_sniper" "¡Francotirador!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_sniper" "Sniper!" "Voice_subtitle_fireleft" "¡Fuego en el flanco izquierdo!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_fireleft" "Taking fire, left flank!" "Voice_subtitle_fireright" "¡Fuego en el flanco derecho!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_fireright" "Taking fire, right flank!" "Voice_subtitle_areaclear" "¡Zona despejada!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_areaclear" "Area clear!" "Voice_subtitle_gogogo" "¡Adelante, adelante!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_gogogo" "Go go go!" "Voice_subtitle_displace" "¡Moveos!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_displace" "Displace!" "Voice_subtitle_enemyahead" "¡Enemigo delante!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_enemyahead" "Enemy ahead!" "Voice_subtitle_enemybehind" "¡Enemigo detrás!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_enemybehind" "Enemy behind us!" "Voice_subtitle_mgahead" "¡Ametralladora delante!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_mgahead" "Machine gun ahead!" "Voice_subtitle_moveupmg_30cal" "¡Necesitamos una ametralladora por aquí!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_moveupmg_30cal" "We need an MG up here!" "Voice_subtitle_needammo" "¡Necesito munición!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_needammo" "I need Ammo!" "Voice_subtitle_usebazooka" "¡Ese bazuca!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_usebazooka" "Use the Bazooka!" "Voice_subtitle_usepschreck" "¡Ese Panzerschreck!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_usepschreck" "Use the Panzerschreck!" "Voice_subtitle_bazookaspotted" "¡Bazuca!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_bazookaspotted" "Bazooka!" "Voice_subtitle_pschreckspotted" "¡Panzerschreck!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_pschreckspotted" "Panzerschreck!" "Voice_subtitle_moveout" "¡Adelante, adelante!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_moveout" "Go go go!" "Voice_subtitle_moveupmg_mg" "¡Adelante la ametralladora!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_moveupmg_mg" "Move up the machinegun!" "Voice_subtitle_usesmoke" "¡Ahumadlos!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_usesmoke" "Smoke em!" "Hint_spotted_a_friend" "¡Has divisado un compañero de equipo!" "[english]Hint_spotted_a_friend" "You have spotted a teammate!" "Hint_spotted_an_enemy" "¡Has divisado un enemigo!" "[english]Hint_spotted_an_enemy" "You have spotted an enemy!" "Hint_try_not_to_injure_teammates" "¡Cuidado! ¡Podrías herir a tus compañeros!" "[english]Hint_try_not_to_injure_teammates" "Careful! You can hurt your teammates!" "Hint_careful_around_teammates" "¡Has eliminado a un compañero!" "[english]Hint_careful_around_teammates" "You killed a teammate!" "Hint_killing_enemies_is_good" "¡Has eliminado a un enemigo!" "[english]Hint_killing_enemies_is_good" "You killed an enemy!" "Hint_touched_area_capture" "Has entrado en una zona de conquista.\nQuédate para conquistarla para tu equipo." "[english]Hint_touched_area_capture" "You have entered a capture area.\nStay here to secure it for your team!" "Hint_touched_control_point" "¡Has conquistado una zona!" "[english]Hint_touched_control_point" "You captured an area!" "Hint_mgs_fire_better_deployed" "Reduce el retroceso pulsando '%attack2%' para desplegar la ametralladora.\n Puedes desplegarla mientras estás tendido boca abajo en el suelo o detrás de un saliente o unos sacos de arena." "[english]Hint_mgs_fire_better_deployed" "Lower your recoil by hitting '%attack2%' to deploy your machinegun!\n You can deploy while prone or when facing a ledge or sandbag." "Hint_sandbag_area_touch" "Ésta es una superficie llana; puedes desplegar tu ametralladora aquí." "[english]Hint_sandbag_area_touch" "This is a level surface, you can deploy your machine gun here!" "Hint_rocket_weapon_pickup" "¡Has conseguido un lanzacohetes!\n Úsalo para hacer agujeros en muros y superar objetivos." "[english]Hint_rocket_weapon_pickup" "You've picked up a rocket weapon!\n Use it to blow holes in some walls and complete objectives." "Hint_out_of_ammo" "¡Te has quedado sin munición!" "[english]Hint_out_of_ammo" "Your weapon is out of ammo!" "Hint_prone" "Reduce el retroceso pulsando '%duck%' para agacharte o '%alt1%' para tenderte boca abajo." "[english]Hint_prone" "Lower your recoil by hitting '%duck%' to crouch or '%alt1%' to go prone!" "Hint_low_stamina" "Estás cansado. Descansa un rato para recuperarte." "[english]Hint_low_stamina" "You are fatigued, rest a while to recover." "Hint_player_killed_wavetime" "Te han eliminado. Tendrás que esperar a que lleguen refuerzos." "[english]Hint_player_killed_wavetime" "You have been killed, you have to wait for the next wave of reinforcements!" "Hint_player_killed_onelife" "Te han eliminado. Tendrás que esperar a que acabe la ronda para regenerarte." "[english]Hint_player_killed_onelife" "You have been killed, you have to wait for the round to finish before you can spawn!" "Hint_mg_overheat" "La ametralladora se ha recalentado. Deja de disparar para que se enfríe." "[english]Hint_mg_overheat" "Your machinegun has overheated, stop firing to let it cool!" "Hint_pick_up_weapon" "Puedes cambiar el arma principal por las que hayas soltado\n mirándolas y pulsando la tecla '%use%'." "[english]Hint_pick_up_weapon" "You can swap your primary weapon for dropped weapons by\n looking at them and hitting the '%use%' key." "Hint_pick_up_grenade" "Puedes recoger granadas con la tecla '%use%'.\n¡Vuelve a lanzarlas antes de que exploten!" "[english]Hint_pick_up_grenade" "You can pick up grenades with your '%use%' key.\nThrow them back before they explode!" "Hint_death_cam" "La cámara enfoca ahora al jugador que te mató." "[english]Hint_death_cam" "The camera is now looking towards the player who killed you." "Hint_class_menu" "Pulsa '%changeclass%' para cambiar de clase de jugador." "[english]Hint_class_menu" "Press '%changeclass%' to change your player class." "Hint_use_2e_melee" "Puedes pulsar '%attack2%' para dar un puñetazo cuando utilices esta arma." "[english]Hint_use_2e_melee" "You can hit '%attack2%' to punch when you are using this weapon." "Hint_use_zoom" "Puedes pulsar '%attack2%' para aumentar el zoom con los rifles de francotirador." "[english]Hint_use_zoom" "You can hit '%attack2%' to zoom with sniper rifles." "Hint_use_iron_sights" "Puedes pulsar '%attack2%' para levantar los rifles a la altura de los ojos y ganar precisión." "[english]Hint_use_iron_sights" "You can hit '%attack2%' to raise rifles to your eye for better accuracy." "Hint_use_semi_auto" "Puedes pulsar '%attack2%' para activar y desactivar el disparo semiautomático de esta arma.\n\nEl modo de disparo semiautomático es más lento, pero más preciso." "[english]Hint_use_semi_auto" "You can hit '%attack2%' to toggle semi-auto firing on this weapon.\n Semi-auto mode is slower, but more accurate." "Hint_use_sprint" "Puedes pulsar '%speed%' para correr.\n Pero ten cuidado, si corres mucho, te cansarás." "[english]Hint_use_sprint" "You can hit '%speed%' to sprint.\n Careful, sprinting too much will make you fatigued." "Hint_use_deploy" "Puedes pulsar '%attack2%' para desplegar la ametralladora y\n aumentar la precisión, así como reducir el retroceso." "[english]Hint_use_deploy" "You can hit '%attack2%' to deploy your machine gun to get\n greatly increased accuracy and reduced recoil." "Hint_use_prime" "Al mantener pulsada '%attack%', se ceba la granada.\n A continuación, tienes 5 segundos para tirar de la anilla antes de que explote." "[english]Hint_use_prime" "Holding down '%attack%' will prime this grenade.\n You then have 5 seconds to release the key before the grenade will explode!" "Hint_garand_reload" "No puedes recargar el fusil M1 Garand hasta que el cargador esté vacío." "[english]Hint_garand_reload" "You cannot reload your M1 Garand until the clip is empty." "Hint_turn_off_hints" "Puedes desactivar las sugerencias en el menú Opciones;\n selecciona Opciones -> Multijugador -> Avanzada -> Ayuda automática." "[english]Hint_turn_off_hints" "You can turn off hints in the options menu,\n under Options -> Multiplayer -> Advanced -> 'Auto Help'" "Hint_mg_deploy_usage" "Sólo puedes desplegar la ametralladora si estás detrás de unos sacos de arena o un saliente, o si estás boca abajo en el suelo." "[english]Hint_mg_deploy_usage" "You can only deploy your machinegun when facing a ledge or a sandbag, or while prone." "Hint_need_bomb_to_plant" "Necesitas una bomba para plantarla en este objetivo. Coge una del arsenal de bombas." "[english]Hint_need_bomb_to_plant" "You need a bomb to plant at this objective. Pick up one at a bomb depot." "Hint_bomb_planted" "El enemigo ha plantado una bomba en uno de tus objetivos. Encuéntrala y desactívala." "[english]Hint_bomb_planted" "The enemy have planted a bomb on one of your objectives! Find it and disarm it." "Hint_defuse_bomb" "Mantén pulsada la tecla '%use%' para desactivar esta bomba." "[english]Hint_defuse_bomb" "Hold your '%use%' key to disarm this bomb!" "Hint_bomb_target" "Te encuentras cerca de un objetivo a bombardear, busca la bomba\namarilla transparente y pulsa '%use%' para plantar una bomba." "[english]Hint_bomb_target" "You are near a bomb target, look for the transparent yellow\nbomb target and hold '%use%' to plant a bomb." "Hint_bomb_pickup" "Esto es un arsenal de bombas. Puedes volver aquí para coger otra bomba." "[english]Hint_bomb_pickup" "This is a bomb depot. You can return here to pick up another bomb." "Hint_bomb_defuse_onground" "Debes encontrarte en el suelo para colocar o desactivar la bomba." "[english]Hint_bomb_defuse_onground" "You must be on the ground to plant or defuse the bomb." "Hint_bomb_plant_map" "Tu equipo debe plantar bombas para ganar.\n Encuentra el arsenal de bombas y coge una." "[english]Hint_bomb_plant_map" "Your team must plant bombs to win.\n Find the bomb depot and pick up a bomb." "Hint_bomb_first_select" "Esto es una bomba. Encuentra el objetivo transparente para la bomba amarilla y\n mantén pulsado '%use%' orientado hacia ella para colocarla." "[english]Hint_bomb_first_select" "This is a bomb. Find the transparent yellow bomb target and\n hold '%use%' while looking at it to plant the bomb." "game_no_spawns" "No hay puntos de regeneración libres. Se comprobarán cada 1 seg." "[english]game_no_spawns" "No free spawnpoints. Will re-check every 1 sec." "game_bogus_round" "Esta ronda no contará, no hay suficientes jugadores." "[english]game_bogus_round" "This round will not count, not enough players" "game_not_enough" "No hay suficientes jugadores disponibles. Próxima comprobación en 20 segundos" "[english]game_not_enough" "Not enough players available. Next check in 20 seconds" "game_joined_game" "%s1 se ha incorporado a la partida" "[english]game_joined_game" "%s1 has joined the game" "game_disconnected" "%s1 ha abandonado la partida" "[english]game_disconnected" "%s1 has left the game" "game_joined_team" "*%s1 se ha incorporado a %s2" "[english]game_joined_team" "*%s1 joined %s2" "game_kick_tk" "%s1 ha eliminado a demasiados compañeros de equipo. ¡Se le expulsa!" "[english]game_kick_tk" "%s1 has team killed too many times. Now being kicked!" "game_score_allie_point" "El Ejército de los Estados Unidos se anota 1 punto" "[english]game_score_allie_point" "U.S. Army score 1 point" "game_score_allie_points" "El Ejército de los Estados Unidos se anota %s1 puntos" "[english]game_score_allie_points" "U.S. Army score %s1 points" "game_score_axis_point" "La Wehrmacht se anota 1 punto" "[english]game_score_axis_point" "Wehrmacht score 1 point" "game_score_axis_points" "La Wehrmacht se anota %s1 puntos" "[english]game_score_axis_points" "Wehrmacht score %s1 points" "game_capture_broken_allie" "El Ejército de los Estados Unidos no ha conseguido su objetivo" "[english]game_capture_broken_allie" "U.S. Army capture broken" "game_capture_broken_axis" "La Wehrmacht no ha conseguido su objetivo" "[english]game_capture_broken_axis" "Wehrmacht capture broken" "game_time_left1" "Tiempo restante: %s1:%s2" "[english]game_time_left1" "Time left: %s1:%s2" "game_time_left2" "No hay límite de tiempo indicado en el servidor" "[english]game_time_left2" "No time limit set on server" "game_dont_cheat" "¡No hagas trampas!" "[english]game_dont_cheat" "Please dont cheat!" "game_unknown_command" "Comando desconocido: %s1" "[english]game_unknown_command" "Unknown command: %s1" "game_cant_change_name" "No está permitido cambiar de nombre cuando te han eliminado o eres espectador." "[english]game_cant_change_name" "Not allowed to change name when dead or spectating!" "game_nextmap" "Mapa siguiente: %s1" "[english]game_nextmap" "Next map : %s1" "game_spawn_as" "*Te regenerarás como %s1" "[english]game_spawn_as" "*You will spawn as %s1" "game_respawn_as" "*Te volverás a regenerar como %s1" "[english]game_respawn_as" "*You will respawn as %s1" "game_spawn_asrandom" "*Te regenerarás en una clase aleatoria" "[english]game_spawn_asrandom" "*You will spawn as random class" "game_respawn_asrandom" "*Te volverás a regenerar en una clase aleatoria" "[english]game_respawn_asrandom" "*You will respawn as a random class" "game_now_as" "*La clase de tu jugador es ahora: %s1" "[english]game_now_as" "*Your player class is now: %s1" "game_will_spawn" "*Te volverás a regenerar cuando hayas seleccionado una clase." "[english]game_will_spawn" "*You will respawn when you have selected a class" "game_list_players1" " IDENT. NOMBRE ------------------------" "[english]game_list_players1" " ID NAME ------------------------" "game_list_players2" " %s1 %s2" "[english]game_list_players2" " %s1 %s2" "game_roundstart_allie1" "¡Sección, salid de ahí y agachaos!" "[english]game_roundstart_allie1" "Platoon, move out and stay low!" "game_roundstart_allie2" "¡Pelotón, cargad las armas, avanzamos!" "[english]game_roundstart_allie2" "Squad, charge your weapons we're moving up!" "game_roundstart_axis1" "¡Desembarcad y preparaos para atacar!" "[english]game_roundstart_axis1" "Disembark and prepare for the attack!" "game_roundstart_axis2" "¡Adelante! ¡Adelante! ¡Preparados para el ataque!" "[english]game_roundstart_axis2" "Go! Go! Prepare for the assault!" "game_class_limit" "*El servidor ha alcanzado el límite de %s1" "[english]game_class_limit" "*Server has reached the limit of number of %s1" "game_changed_name" "* %s1 se ha cambiado el nombre por %s2" "[english]game_changed_name" "* %s1 changed name to %s2" "game_shoulder_pschreck" "¡Debes empujar el Panzerschreck para disparar!" "[english]game_shoulder_pschreck" "You must shoulder your Panzerschreck to fire!" "game_shoulder_bazooka" "¡Debes empujar el bazuca para disparar!" "[english]game_shoulder_bazooka" "You must shoulder your Bazooka to fire!" "game_shoulder_rpg" "Antes de disparar, debes pulsar '%attack2%' para ponerte el arma en el hombro." "[english]game_shoulder_rpg" "You must hit '%attack2%' to shoulder your weapon before you can fire!" "game_cannot_drop" "No puedes soltar esta arma." "[english]game_cannot_drop" "You cannot drop this weapon." "game_cannot_drop_while" "No puedes soltar esta arma mientras esté activa." "[english]game_cannot_drop_while" "You cannot drop this weapon while it is deployed." "MAP_PLAYER_CAP" "%s3 ha capturado %s2 para %s1" "[english]MAP_PLAYER_CAP" "%s3 captured %s2 for %s1" "MAP_GROUP_CAP" "%s1 tiene %s2" "[english]MAP_GROUP_CAP" "The %s1 have %s2" "Allies_win" "¡Victoria aliada!" "[english]Allies_win" "U.S. Army Wins!" "Axis_win" "¡Victoria del Eje!" "[english]Axis_win" "Wehrmacht Wins!" "THE_ALLIES" "el Ejército de los Estados Unidos" "[english]THE_ALLIES" "the U.S. Army" "THE_AXIS" "la Wehrmacht" "[english]THE_AXIS" "the Wehrmacht" "MAP_USE_BAZOOKA_HINT" "¡Tendrás que usar un bazuca para destruir esto!" "[english]MAP_USE_BAZOOKA_HINT" "You will need to use a bazooka to destroy this!" "MAP_USE_PSCHREK_HINT" "¡Tendrás que usar un Panzerschrek para destruir esto!" "[english]MAP_USE_PSCHREK_HINT" "You will need to use a Panzerschrek to destroy this!" "MAP_ALLIED_VICTORY1" "¡El Ejército de los Estados Unidos ha aplastado a la Wehrmacht!" "[english]MAP_ALLIED_VICTORY1" "The U.S. Army has overrun the Wehrmacht!" "MAP_ALLIED_VICTORY2" "¡Ha ganado el Ejército de los Estados Unidos!" "[english]MAP_ALLIED_VICTORY2" "The U.S. Army is victorious!" "MAP_AXIS_VICTORY1" "¡La Wehrmacht ha aplastado al Ejército de los Estados Unidos!" "[english]MAP_AXIS_VICTORY1" "The Wehrmacht has overrun the U.S. Army!" "MAP_AXIS_VICTORY2" "¡Ha ganado la Wehrmacht!" "[english]MAP_AXIS_VICTORY2" "The Wehrmacht is victorious!" "map_flag_1st_allied" "Primer Aliado" "[english]map_flag_1st_allied" "First Allied" "map_flag_2nd_allied" "Segundo Aliado" "[english]map_flag_2nd_allied" "Second Allied" "map_flag_1st_axis" "Primer Eje" "[english]map_flag_1st_axis" "First Axis" "map_flag_2nd_axis" "Segundo Eje" "[english]map_flag_2nd_axis" "Second Axis" "map_flag_center" "Punto Central" "[english]map_flag_center" "Center Point" "map_flag_donner_center" "Calle Principal" "[english]map_flag_donner_center" "Main Street" "map_flag_anzio_well" "Pozo" "[english]map_flag_anzio_well" "Well" "map_flag_anzio_plaza" "Plaza de la iglesia" "[english]map_flag_anzio_plaza" "Church Plaza" "map_flag_anzio_alley" "Callejón central" "[english]map_flag_anzio_alley" "Central Alley" "map_flag_anzio_bridge" "Puente" "[english]map_flag_anzio_bridge" "Bridge" "map_flag_anzio_fountain" "Fuente" "[english]map_flag_anzio_fountain" "Fountain" "map_flag_avalanche_fountain" "Fuente" "[english]map_flag_avalanche_fountain" "Fountain" "HandSignal" "GESTO" "[english]HandSignal" "Hand Signal" "Voice" "Voz" "[english]Voice" "Voice" "Unassigned" "Sin asignar" "[english]Unassigned" "Unassigned" "Spectators" "Espectadores" "[english]Spectators" "Spectators" "Menu_Spectate" "ESPECTADOR" "[english]Menu_Spectate" "SPECTATE" "Spec_Only_Help" "AGACHARSE para Cambiar modo de recuadro DISPARAR para Objetivo siguiente ALT-DISPARAR para Objetivo anterior SALTAR para Cambiar modos" "[english]Spec_Only_Help" "DUCK to Change Inset Mode FIRE for Next Target ALT-FIRE for Prev Target JUMP to Change Modes" "Spec_Help" "INTRO para Jugar DISPARAR para Objetivo siguiente ALT-DISPARAR para Objetivo anterior SALTAR para Cambiar modos" "[english]Spec_Help" "ENTER to Play FIRE for Next Target ALT-FIRE for Prev Target JUMP to Change Modes" "Spec_Help_Title" "Modo espectador" "[english]Spec_Help_Title" "Spectator Mode" "Spec_Help_Text" "Pulsa las teclas siguientes para cambiar las vistas: DISPARAR1: Perseguir al jugador siguiente DISPARAR2: Perseguir al jugador anterior SALTAR: Cambiar modos de vista USAR: Cambiar modo de ventana de recuadro AGACHARSE: Activar menú espectador HAZ CLIC CON EL BOTÓN DERECHO sobre el nombre de la TABLA DE PUNTUACIONES para hacer de espectador En el modo de vista de mapa, puedes desplazarte con: IZQUIERDA: Desplazarte a la izquierda DERECHA: Desplazarte a la derecha ADELANTE: Acercarte ATRÁS: Alejarte RATÓN: Girar por el mapa o alrededor del objetivo " "[english]Spec_Help_Text" "Use the following keys to change view styles: FIRE1 - Chase next player FIRE2 - Chase previous player JUMP - Change view modes USE - Change inset window mode DUCK - Enable spectator menu RIGHT-CLICK name on SCOREBOARD to spectate In Overview Map Mode move around with: MOVELEFT - move left MOVERIGHT - move right FORWARD - zoom in BACK - zoom out MOUSE - rotate around map/target " "Spec_Slow_Motion" "Cámara lenta" "[english]Spec_Slow_Motion" "Slow Motion" "Spec_Replay" "Repetición instantánea" "[english]Spec_Replay" "Instant Replay" "Spec_Auto" "Automático" "[english]Spec_Auto" "Auto" "Spec_Time" "Tiempo" "[english]Spec_Time" "Time" "Spec_Map" "Mapa" "[english]Spec_Map" "Map" "Spec_Duck" "Pulsa AGACHARSE para ver el menú de espectador" "[english]Spec_Duck" "Press DUCK for Spectator Menu" "SPECT_OPTIONS" "Opciones" "[english]SPECT_OPTIONS" "Options" "CAM_OPTIONS" "Opciones de cámara" "[english]CAM_OPTIONS" "Camera Options" "Directed" "Automático" "[english]Directed" "Auto" "Muted" "Jugador en silencio" "[english]Muted" "Player Muted -" "Unmuted" "Jugador sin silencio" "[english]Unmuted" "Player Unmuted" "Health" "Salud" "[english]Health" "Health" "DoD_Close" "Cerrar" "[english]DoD_Close" "Close" "DoD_ChooseTeam" "Cambiar equipo" "[english]DoD_ChooseTeam" "Choose Team" "DoD_Help" "Ayuda" "[english]DoD_Help" "Help" "DoD_ChatMessages" "Mensajes de chat" "[english]DoD_ChatMessages" "Chat Messages" "DoD_AutoDirector" "Director automático" "[english]DoD_AutoDirector" "Auto Director" "DoD_ShowScores" "Mostrar puntuaciones" "[english]DoD_ShowScores" "Show Scores" "DoD_Warmup_time" "Seg. de calentamiento" "[english]DoD_Warmup_time" "Warmup time (seconds)" "DoD_Allow_Flashlight" "Permitir linterna" "[english]DoD_Allow_Flashlight" "Allow flashlight" "DoD_WinLimit" "Límite de victorias (rondas)" "[english]DoD_WinLimit" "Win limit (rounds)" "DoD_Timelimit" "Minutos por mapa" "[english]DoD_Timelimit" "Time per map (minutes)" "DoD_capprogressbar" "Mostrar barra de progreso de la zona de conquista" "[english]DoD_capprogressbar" "Show area capture progress bar" "chatprefix_team" "(Equipo)" "[english]chatprefix_team" "(Team)" "chatprefix_dead" "(Eliminado)" "[english]chatprefix_dead" "(Dead)" "chatprefix_deadteam" "(Equipo)(Eliminado)" "[english]chatprefix_deadteam" "(Dead)(Team)" "clan_allies_ready" "El Ejército de los Estados Unidos ESTÁ PREPARADO" "[english]clan_allies_ready" "U.S. Army is READY" "clan_allies_not_ready" "El Ejército de los Estados Unidos NO ESTÁ PREPARADO" "[english]clan_allies_not_ready" "U.S. Army is NOT READY" "clan_axis_ready" "La Wehrmacht ESTÁ PREPARADA" "[english]clan_axis_ready" "Wehrmacht is READY" "clan_axis_not_ready" "La Wehrmacht NO ESTÁ PREPARADA" "[english]clan_axis_not_ready" "Wehrmacht is NOT READY" "clan_game_restart" "La partida se reiniciará en %s1:%s2" "[english]clan_game_restart" "Game will restart in %s1:%s2" "Voice_subtitle_dropyourweapons" "¡Soltad las armas!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_dropyourweapons" "Drop your weapons!" "Voice_subtitle_medic" "¡Un médico!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_medic" "Medic!" "Voice_subtitle_coverflanks" "¡Cubre los flancos!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_coverflanks" "Cover the flanks!" "Voice_subtitle_tigerahead" "¡Tanque Tigre delante!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_tigerahead" "Tiger ahead!" "Voice_subtitle_tankahead" "¡Tanque delante!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_tankahead" "Tank ahead!" "Voice_subtitle_niceshot" "¡Buen tiro!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_niceshot" "Nice shot!" "Voice_subtitle_thanks" "¡Gracias!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_thanks" "Thanks!" "Voice_subtitle_takeammo" "¡Toma esta munición!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_takeammo" "Take this ammo!" "Voice_subtitle_wegothim" "¡Posición enemiga derribada! ¡Adelante!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_wegothim" "Enemy position knocked out! Move Up!" "Voice_subtitle_movewithtank" "¡Sigue con el tanque!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_movewithtank" "Move with the tank!" "Voice_subtitle_wtf" "¡Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot!" "[english]Voice_subtitle_wtf" "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!" "game_joined_allies" "*%s1 se ha unido al Ejército de los Estados Unidos" "[english]game_joined_allies" "*%s1 joined the U.S. Army" "game_joined_axis" "*%s1 se ha unido a la Wehrmacht" "[english]game_joined_axis" "*%s1 joined the Wehrmacht" "game_joined_spectators" "*%s1 se ha unido a los espectadores" "[english]game_joined_spectators" "*%s1 joined Spectators" "Allies_full" "¡El Ejército de los Estados Unidos está completo!" "[english]Allies_full" "The U.S. Army is full!" "Axis_full" "¡La Wehrmacht está completa!" "[english]Axis_full" "The Wehrmacht is full!" "All_Teams_Full" "¡Todos los equipos están completos!" "[english]All_Teams_Full" "All teams are full!" "classmenu_classfull" "La clase está completa" "[english]classmenu_classfull" "Class is full" "classmenu_selectedclass" "JUGADOR SELECCIONADO:" "[english]classmenu_selectedclass" "SELECTED PLAYER:" "classmenu_autokill" "Suicidio después de elegir clase" "[english]classmenu_autokill" "Suicide after selecting a class" "teammenu_numAllies" "Ejército EE. UU.:\n%s1 jugadores" "[english]teammenu_numAllies" "U.S. Army : %s1 players" "teammenu_numAllies_1" "Ejército EE. UU.:\n1 jugador" "[english]teammenu_numAllies_1" "U.S. Army : 1 player" "teammenu_numAxis" "Wehrmacht:\n%s1 jugadores" "[english]teammenu_numAxis" "Wehrmacht : %s1 players" "teammenu_numAxis_1" "Wehrmacht:\n1 jugador" "[english]teammenu_numAxis_1" "Wehrmacht : 1 player" "classinfo_k98" "+ Arma de largo alcance para disparos precisos + Mecanismo de obturador de alta potencia y precisión + Disparo secundario: mira abierta para una mayor precisión y amplificación de la imagen" "[english]classinfo_k98" "+ Long range weapon for precise shots + High power bolt-action with high accuracy + Secondary fire: Iron sight for greater accuracy and zoom" "classinfo_mp40" "+ Arma de corto alcance para asaltos + Potencia y retroceso bajos; totalmente automática y de baja precisión + Disparo secundario: puñetazo" "[english]classinfo_mp40" "+ Short range weapon for assaults + Low power and recoil, fully automatic with low accuracy + Secondary fire: Punch" "classinfo_mp44" "+ Arma de alcance medio para juego de cobertura + Potencia y retroceso medios; totalmente automática y de precisión media + Disparo secundario: disparo semi-automático para una mayor precisión" "[english]classinfo_mp44" "+ Medium range weapon for covering fire + Medium power and recoil, fully automatic with medium accuracy + Secondary fire: Semi-automatic fire for greater accuracy" "classinfo_k98s" "+ Arma de largo alcance para disparos precisos + Alta potencia y precisión si se utiliza el zoom; poca precisión en caso contrario + Disparo secundario: mira telescópica" "[english]classinfo_k98s" "+ Long range weapon for precise shots + High power, accurate when zoomed inaccurate when not + Secondary fire: Scope zoom" "classinfo_mg42" "+ Arma de largo alcance para defensa + Alta potencia y precisión si se despliega; poco controlable en caso contrario; el fuego automático de alta potencia implica el recalentamiento del arma + Disparo secundario: despliegue del bípode en superficies llanas" "[english]classinfo_mg42" "+ Long range weapon for defense + High power, accurate when deployed uncontrollable when not, high automatic fire means overheating + Secondary fire: Deploys bipod on any level surface" "classinfo_pschreck" "+ Arma de largo alcance para derribar francotiradores escondidos o ametralladoras + Alta potencia; se debe desplegar para disparar cohetes explosivos; vulnerable cuando se despliega + Disparo secundario: debe desplegarse para disparar" "[english]classinfo_pschreck" "+ Long range class for removing hidden snipers or machine guns + High power, must deploy to fire explosive rocket, vulnerable when deployed + Secondary fire: Deploy to shoot" "classinfo_garand" "+ Arma de largo alcance para disparos precisos + Potencia y retroceso altos; semi-automática y de alta precisión + Disparo secundario: mira abierta para una mayor precisión y amplificación de la imagen" "[english]classinfo_garand" "+ Long range weapon for precise shots + High power and recoil, semi-automatic with high accuracy + Secondary fire: Iron sight for greater accuracy and zoom" "classinfo_tommy" "+ Arma de corto alcance para asaltos + Potencia y retroceso bajos; totalmente automática y de baja precisión + Disparo secundario: puñetazo" "[english]classinfo_tommy" "+ Short range weapon for assaults + Low power and recoil, fully automati with low accuracy + Secondary fire: Punch" "classinfo_spring" "+ Arma de largo alcance para disparos precisos + Alta potencia y precisión si se utiliza el zoom; poca precisión en caso contrario + Disparo secundario: mira telescópica" "[english]classinfo_spring" "+ Long range weapon for precise shots + High power, accurate when zoomed inaccurate when not + Secondary fire: Scope zoom" "classinfo_bar" "+ Arma de alcance medio para juego de cobertura + Potencia y retroceso medios; totalmente automática y de precisión media + Disparo secundario: disparo semi-automático para una mayor precisión" "[english]classinfo_bar" "+ Medium range weapon for covering fire + Medium power and recoil, fully automatic with medium accuracy + Secondary fire: Semi-automatic fire for greater accuracy" "classinfo_30cal" "+ Arma de largo alcance para defensa + Alto grado de potencia y precisión si se despliega; poco controlable en caso contrario; el fuego automático de potencia media no implica el recalentamiento del arma + Disparo secundario: despliegue del bípode en superficies llanas" "[english]classinfo_30cal" "+ Long range weapon for defense + High power, accurate when deployed uncontrollable when not, medium automatic fire means no overheating + Secondary fire: Deploys bipod on any level surface" "classinfo_bazooka" "+ Arma de largo alcance para derribar francotiradores escondidos o ametralladoras + Alta potencia; se debe desplegar para disparar cohetes explosivos; vulnerable cuando se despliega + Disparo secundario: debe desplegarse para disparar" "[english]classinfo_bazooka" "+ Long range weapon for removing hidden snipers or machine guns + High power, must deploy to fire explosive rocket, vulnerable when deployed + Secondary fire: Deploy to shoot" "classinfo_random" "+ Selecciona de forma aleatoria un nuevo papel para ti cada vez que te regeneras" "[english]classinfo_random" "+ Randomly selects a new role for you each time you spawn" "winpanel_lastcapper" "CAPTURA DECISIVA:" "[english]winpanel_lastcapper" "WINNING CAPTURE:" "winpanel_lastbomber" "GANADORES DE PLANTAR LA BOMBA:" "[english]winpanel_lastbomber" "WINNING BOMB PLANTER:" "winpanel_topcappers" "Máx. zonas capturadas:" "[english]winpanel_topcappers" "Most Area Captures:" "winpanel_topdefenders" "Máx. zonas defendidas:" "[english]winpanel_topdefenders" "Most Area Defenses:" "winpanel_topbomb" "Máx. bombas detonadas:" "[english]winpanel_topbomb" "Most Bombs Detonated:" "winpanel_kills" "Mayor número de muertos:" "[english]winpanel_kills" "Most Kills:" "winpanel_total_time" "Tiempo total defendido: %s1" "[english]winpanel_total_time" "Total Time Defended: %s1" "winpanel_attack_time" "Objetivos completados en: %s1" "[english]winpanel_attack_time" "Objective Completed in: %s1" "dod_bomb_us_team_planted" "Hemos plantado los explosivos. Defiende el emplazamiento hasta que detonen" "[english]dod_bomb_us_team_planted" "We've planted the explosives. Defend the site until they detonate!" "dod_bomb_ger_team_planted" "Hemos plantado los explosivos. Defiende el emplazamiento hasta que detonen" "[english]dod_bomb_ger_team_planted" "We've planted the explosives. Defend the site until they detonate!" "dod_bomb_us_enemy_planted" "¡Aviso! Se han plantado explosivos en tu zona" "[english]dod_bomb_us_enemy_planted" "Warning! Explosives have been planted in your area!" "dod_bomb_ger_enemy_planted" "¡Aviso! Se han plantado explosivos en tu zona" "[english]dod_bomb_ger_enemy_planted" "Warning! Explosives have been planted in your area!" "dod_bomb_us_defused" "Bomba desactivada." "[english]dod_bomb_us_defused" "Bomb defused." "dod_bomb_ger_defused" "Bomba desactivada." "[english]dod_bomb_ger_defused" "Bomb defused." "dod_time_remaining_us_1_min" "Queda un minuto." "[english]dod_time_remaining_us_1_min" "One minute remaining." "dod_time_remaining_ger_1_min" "Queda un minuto." "[english]dod_time_remaining_ger_1_min" "One minute remaining." "dod_time_remaining_us_2_min" "Quedan dos minutos." "[english]dod_time_remaining_us_2_min" "Two minutes remaining." "dod_time_remaining_ger_2_min" "Quedan dos minutos." "[english]dod_time_remaining_ger_2_min" "Two minutes remaining." "dod_radio_prefix" "(radio)" "[english]dod_radio_prefix" "(Radio)" "dod_tnt_pickup_help" "Has conseguido TNT." "[english]dod_tnt_pickup_help" "You picked up some TNT." "dod_wrong_way" "No puedes ir por aquí." "[english]dod_wrong_way" "You cannot go this way." "dod_point_halftrack" "Semioruga" "[english]dod_point_halftrack" "Halftrack" "dod_pont_halftrack_gun" "Artillería antiaérea" "[english]dod_pont_halftrack_gun" "AA Gun" "dod_point_tank" "Tanque Sherman" "[english]dod_point_tank" "Sherman Tank" "dod_point_222_axis" "Coche blindado del Eje" "[english]dod_point_222_axis" "Axis Armored Car" "dod_point_gun_axis" "Artillería antiaérea del Eje" "[english]dod_point_gun_axis" "Axis AA Gun" "dod_point_tank_allied" "Tanque Aliado" "[english]dod_point_tank_allied" "Allied Tank" "dod_point_gun_allied" "Artillería antiaérea Aliado" "[english]dod_point_gun_allied" "Allied AA Gun" "ScoreBoard_Spectator" "%s1 espectador: %s2" "[english]ScoreBoard_Spectator" "%s1 spectator: %s2" "ScoreBoard_Spectators" "%s1 espectadores: %s2" "[english]ScoreBoard_Spectators" "%s1 spectators: %s2" "Scoreboard_Server" "%s1" "[english]Scoreboard_Server" "%s1" "dod_autozoom" "Las armas desplegadas volverán a desplegarse después de lanzar un disparo." "[english]dod_autozoom" "Deployed weapons will redeploy after firing a deployed shot." "DOD_THROW_BACK_GREN_NAME" "La traición de la munición" "[english]DOD_THROW_BACK_GREN_NAME" "Double Cross" "DOD_THROW_BACK_GREN_DESC" "Mata a un enemigo devolviéndole una de las granadas o granadas de rifle de su equipo." "[english]DOD_THROW_BACK_GREN_DESC" "Kill an enemy by throwing back one of their team's grenades or riflegrenades" "DOD_CONSECUTIVE_HEADSHOTS_NAME" "Vista de lince" "[english]DOD_CONSECUTIVE_HEADSHOTS_NAME" "Marksman" "DOD_CONSECUTIVE_HEADSHOTS_DESC" "Acierta con cinco tiros a la cabeza consecutivos en la misma ronda sin morir." "[english]DOD_CONSECUTIVE_HEADSHOTS_DESC" "Score 5 consecutive headshots in a single round without dying" "DOD_MG_POSITION_STREAK_NAME" "Kilroy estuvo aquí" "[english]DOD_MG_POSITION_STREAK_NAME" "Kilroy Was Here" "DOD_MG_POSITION_STREAK_DESC" "Mata a 8 enemigos con la ametralladora desde el mismo punto de despliegue." "[english]DOD_MG_POSITION_STREAK_DESC" "Score 8 machinegun kills from a single deployed position" "DOD_WIN_KNIFE_FIGHT_NAME" "Las balas son de cobardes" "[english]DOD_WIN_KNIFE_FIGHT_NAME" "Don't Bring a Gun" "DOD_WIN_KNIFE_FIGHT_DESC" "Gana un combate a cuchillo." "[english]DOD_WIN_KNIFE_FIGHT_DESC" "Win a knife fight" "DOD_PLAY_CUSTOM_MAPS_NAME" "Desertor" "[english]DOD_PLAY_CUSTOM_MAPS_NAME" "AWOL" "DOD_PLAY_CUSTOM_MAPS_DESC" "Juega en 5 mapas no oficiales de Day of Defeat Source." "[english]DOD_PLAY_CUSTOM_MAPS_DESC" "Play on 5 non-official Day of Defeat Source maps" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_GRENADE_NAME" "Racionamiento" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_GRENADE_NAME" "Rationing" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_GRENADE_DESC" "Mata a 4 o más jugadores con una sola granada, granada de rifle o disparo de bazuca." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_GRENADE_DESC" "Kill 4 or more players with a single grenade, riflegrenade or bazooka shot" "DOD_LONG_RANGE_ROCKET_NAME" "Aviso de desahucio" "[english]DOD_LONG_RANGE_ROCKET_NAME" "Eviction Notice" "DOD_LONG_RANGE_ROCKET_DESC" "Mata a un francotirador o ametrallador desplegado desde una distancia superior a 30 metros con un cohete." "[english]DOD_LONG_RANGE_ROCKET_DESC" "Kill a deployed sniper or machinegunner from a distance greater than 100 feet with a rocket" "DOD_END_ROUND_KILLS_NAME" "No hagáis prisioneros" "[english]DOD_END_ROUND_KILLS_NAME" "Take No Prisoners" "DOD_END_ROUND_KILLS_DESC" "Mata a 4 o más jugadores en la misma vida y en el periodo de victoria después de ganar una ronda." "[english]DOD_END_ROUND_KILLS_DESC" "In a single life, kill 4 or more players in the victory time after winning a round" "DOD_CAP_LAST_FLAG_NAME" "Cabeza de playa" "[english]DOD_CAP_LAST_FLAG_NAME" "Beachhead" "DOD_CAP_LAST_FLAG_DESC" "Captura la última bandera para ganar una ronda." "[english]DOD_CAP_LAST_FLAG_DESC" "Capture the final flag to win a round" "DOD_USE_ENEMY_WEAPONS_NAME" "Coleccionista de trofeos" "[english]DOD_USE_ENEMY_WEAPONS_NAME" "Trophy Collector" "DOD_USE_ENEMY_WEAPONS_DESC" "Mata a cinco enemigos en la misma vida usando armas robadas al enemigo." "[english]DOD_USE_ENEMY_WEAPONS_DESC" "Score 5 or more kills in a single life using scavenged enemy weapons" "DOD_KILL_DOMINATING_MG_NAME" "Derrocamiento" "[english]DOD_KILL_DOMINATING_MG_NAME" "Putsch" "DOD_KILL_DOMINATING_MG_DESC" "Mata a un ametrallador que haya matado a ocho o más jugadores desde un mismo lugar de despliegue." "[english]DOD_KILL_DOMINATING_MG_DESC" "Kill a machinegunner who has killed 8 or more players from a single deployed position" "DOD_COLMAR_DEFENSE_NAME" "Barrido completo" "[english]DOD_COLMAR_DEFENSE_NAME" "Clean Sweep" "DOD_COLMAR_DEFENSE_DESC" "Gana en Dod_Colmar sin que el otro equipo detone ninguna bomba en tus objetivos." "[english]DOD_COLMAR_DEFENSE_DESC" "Win Dod_Colmar without the other team detonating any bombs on your objectives" "DOD_BLOCK_CAPTURES_NAME" "Abanderado" "[english]DOD_BLOCK_CAPTURES_NAME" "Don't Tread on Me" "DOD_BLOCK_CAPTURES_DESC" "Bloquea una captura de bandera que podría haber conseguido la victoria para el equipo enemigo." "[english]DOD_BLOCK_CAPTURES_DESC" "Block a Flag Capture that would have won the round for the enemy team" "DOD_JAGD_OVERTIME_CAP_NAME" "Por los pelos" "[english]DOD_JAGD_OVERTIME_CAP_NAME" "Hail Mary" "DOD_JAGD_OVERTIME_CAP_DESC" "En Dod_Jagd, planta una bomba que explote en el tiempo extra para prolongar la ronda." "[english]DOD_JAGD_OVERTIME_CAP_DESC" "In Dod_Jagd, plant a bomb that explodes in overtime to extend the round" "DOD_WEAPON_MASTERY_NAME" "Factótum" "[english]DOD_WEAPON_MASTERY_NAME" "Jack of All Trades" "DOD_WEAPON_MASTERY_DESC" "Mata, en la misma vida, a un enemigo con una ametralladora, un rifle de francotirador, un rifle, una metralleta y una granada." "[english]DOD_WEAPON_MASTERY_DESC" "In a single life, get a kill with an MG, Sniper Rifle, Rifle, SubMG and a Grenade" "DOD_KILLS_AS_ALLIES_NAME" "Medalla de honor" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_ALLIES_NAME" "Medal of Honor" "DOD_KILLS_AS_ALLIES_DESC" "Mata a 5000 enemigos como jugador Aliado." "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_ALLIES_DESC" "Get 5000 kills as an Allied player" "DOD_KILLS_AS_AXIS_NAME" "Cruz de hierro" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_AXIS_NAME" "Iron Cross" "DOD_KILLS_AS_AXIS_DESC" "Mata a 5000 enemigos como jugador del Eje." "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_AXIS_DESC" "Get 5000 kills as an Axis player" "DOD_KILLS_AS_RIFLEMAN_NAME" "Legionario" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_RIFLEMAN_NAME" "Dogface" "DOD_KILLS_AS_RIFLEMAN_DESC" "Mata a 1000 enemigos como Fusilero." "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_RIFLEMAN_DESC" "Get 1000 kills as the Rifleman player class" "DOD_KILLS_AS_ASSAULT_NAME" "Punta de lanza" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_ASSAULT_NAME" "Point Man" "DOD_KILLS_AS_ASSAULT_DESC" "Mata a 1000 enemigos como Asalto." "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_ASSAULT_DESC" "Get 1000 kills as the Assault player class" "DOD_KILLS_AS_SUPPORT_NAME" "Guardaespaldas" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_SUPPORT_NAME" "Squaddie" "DOD_KILLS_AS_SUPPORT_DESC" "Mata a 1000 enemigos como Refuerzo." "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_SUPPORT_DESC" "Get 1000 kills as the Support player class" "DOD_KILLS_AS_SNIPER_NAME" "Cazador de cabezas" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_SNIPER_NAME" "Head Hunter" "DOD_KILLS_AS_SNIPER_DESC" "Mata a 1000 enemigos como Francotirador." "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_SNIPER_DESC" "Get 1000 kills as the Sniper player class" "DOD_KILLS_AS_MG_NAME" "El Telón de Acero" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_MG_NAME" "The Iron Curtain" "DOD_KILLS_AS_MG_DESC" "Mata a 1000 enemigos como Ametrallador." "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_MG_DESC" "Get 1000 kills as the Machinegunner player class" "DOD_KILLS_AS_BAZOOKAGUY_NAME" "Reventón" "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_BAZOOKAGUY_NAME" "HEATer" "DOD_KILLS_AS_BAZOOKAGUY_DESC" "Mata a 1000 enemigos como Cohete." "[english]DOD_KILLS_AS_BAZOOKAGUY_DESC" "Get 1000 kills as the Rocket player class" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_GARAND_NAME" "Así se hace" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_GARAND_NAME" "Cookin' With Gas" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_GARAND_DESC" "Mata a 500 enemigos con el Garand." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_GARAND_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the Garand" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_THOMPSON_NAME" "Capo" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_THOMPSON_NAME" "Capo" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_THOMPSON_DESC" "Mata a 500 enemigos con la Thompson." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_THOMPSON_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the Thompson" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_BAR_NAME" "Ganas de joroBAR" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_BAR_NAME" "Sometimes the BAR Gets You" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_BAR_DESC" "Mata a 500 enemigos con el BAR." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_BAR_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the BAR" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_SPRING_NAME" "ABartiendo enemigos" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_SPRING_NAME" "The Producer" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_SPRING_DESC" "Mata a 500 enemigos con la Springfield." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_SPRING_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the Springfield" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_30CAL_NAME" "Johnnie cogió su fusil" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_30CAL_NAME" "Johnnie Gun" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_30CAL_DESC" "Mata a 500 enemigos con la calibre .30." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_30CAL_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the .30 Cal" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_BAZOOKA_NAME" "Propulsión a chorro" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_BAZOOKA_NAME" "Rocket Powered" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_BAZOOKA_DESC" "Mata a 500 enemigos con el bazuca." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_BAZOOKA_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the Bazooka" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_K98_NAME" "Percurtiendo" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_K98_NAME" "Bolt Action" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_K98_DESC" "Mata a 500 enemigos con el K98k." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_K98_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the K98k" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_MP40_NAME" "La gran destrucción" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_MP40_NAME" "The Big Burp" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_MP40_DESC" "Mata a 500 enemigos con la MP40." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_MP40_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the MP40" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_MP44_NAME" "Lluvia de plomo" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_MP44_NAME" "Storm of the Century" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_MP44_DESC" "Mata a 500 enemigos con la MP44." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_MP44_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the MP44" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_K98SCOPED_NAME" "Guillermo Tell" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_K98SCOPED_NAME" "Wilhelm Tell" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_K98SCOPED_DESC" "Mata a 500 enemigos con el rifle de francotirador K98." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_K98SCOPED_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the K98 Sniper Rifle" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_MG42_NAME" "Fábrica de coladores" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_MG42_NAME" "Linoleum Ripper" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_MG42_DESC" "Mata a 500 enemigos con la MG42." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_MG42_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the MG42" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_PSCHRECK_NAME" "El terror de los tanques" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_PSCHRECK_NAME" "Tank Terror" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_PSCHRECK_DESC" "Mata a 500 enemigos con el Panzerschreck." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_PSCHRECK_DESC" "Get 500 kills with the Pschreck" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_COLT_NAME" "Vieja escuela" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_COLT_NAME" "Old School" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_COLT_DESC" "Mata a 500 enemigos con el Colt." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_COLT_DESC" "Get 150 kills with the Colt" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_P38_NAME" "Pepe Pipa" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_P38_NAME" "Roscoe" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_P38_DESC" "Mata a 150 enemigos con la P38." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_P38_DESC" "Get 150 kills with the P38" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_C96_NAME" "Mickey Mauser" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_C96_NAME" "Broomhandler" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_C96_DESC" "Mata a 150 enemigos con la C96." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_C96_DESC" "Get 150 kills with the C96" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_M1CARBINE_NAME" "Carabinero" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_M1CARBINE_NAME" "Carbineer" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_M1CARBINE_DESC" "Mata a 150 enemigos con el rifle M1." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_M1CARBINE_DESC" "Get 150 kills with the M1 Carbine" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_AMERKNIFE_NAME" "A degüello" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_AMERKNIFE_NAME" "Cutthroat" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_AMERKNIFE_DESC" "Mata a 150 enemigos con el cuchillo." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_AMERKNIFE_DESC" "Get 150 kills with the Knife" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_SPADE_NAME" "A-cava con ellos" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_SPADE_NAME" "Dig For Victory!" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_SPADE_DESC" "Mata a 150 enemigos con la pala." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_SPADE_DESC" "Get 150 kills with the Shovel" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_PUNCH_NAME" "Bocadillo de nudillo" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_PUNCH_NAME" "Knuckleduster" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_PUNCH_DESC" "Mata a 150 enemigos con los puños." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_PUNCH_DESC" "Get 150 kills with your fists" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_FRAG_US_NAME" "Gallina clueca" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_FRAG_US_NAME" "Egg Layer" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_FRAG_US_DESC" "Mata a 250 enemigos con la granada de fragmentación." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_FRAG_US_DESC" "Get 250 kills with the US Frag Grenade" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_FRAG_GER_NAME" "Puré de patatas" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_FRAG_GER_NAME" "Potato Masher" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_FRAG_GER_DESC" "Mata a 250 enemigos con la granada lapa." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_FRAG_GER_DESC" "Get 250 kills with the Stick Grenade" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_RIFLEGREN_US_NAME" "Bombardero" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_RIFLEGREN_US_NAME" "Carpet Bomber" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_RIFLEGREN_US_DESC" "Mata a 250 enemigos con la granada del rifle Garand." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_RIFLEGREN_US_DESC" "Get 250 kills with the Garand's Rifle Grenade" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_RIFLEGREN_GER_NAME" "La plaga" "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_RIFLEGREN_GER_NAME" "Black Maria" "DOD_KILLS_WITH_RIFLEGREN_GER_DESC" "Mata a 250 enemigos con la granada del rifle K98k." "[english]DOD_KILLS_WITH_RIFLEGREN_GER_DESC" "Get 250 kills with the K98k's Rifle Grenade" "DOD_CAPTURE_GRIND_NAME" "Sendero de guerra" "[english]DOD_CAPTURE_GRIND_NAME" "On the Warpath" "DOD_CAPTURE_GRIND_DESC" "Captura 100 banderas." "[english]DOD_CAPTURE_GRIND_DESC" "Score 100 Flag Captures" "DOD_BLOCK_CAPTURES_GRIND_NAME" "¡Y una leche!" "[english]DOD_BLOCK_CAPTURES_GRIND_NAME" "Nuts!" "DOD_BLOCK_CAPTURES_GRIND_DESC" "Bloquea 100 capturas de bandera." "[english]DOD_BLOCK_CAPTURES_GRIND_DESC" "Block 100 Flag Captures" "DOD_ROUNDS_WON_GRIND_NAME" "Señor de la guerra" "[english]DOD_ROUNDS_WON_GRIND_NAME" "Warlord" "DOD_ROUNDS_WON_GRIND_DESC" "Gana 100 rondas." "[english]DOD_ROUNDS_WON_GRIND_DESC" "Win 100 rounds" "DOD_BOMBS_PLANTED_GRIND_NAME" "Demoledor" "[english]DOD_BOMBS_PLANTED_GRIND_NAME" "Demolition Man" "DOD_BOMBS_PLANTED_GRIND_DESC" "Planta 100 bombas en objetivos enemigos." "[english]DOD_BOMBS_PLANTED_GRIND_DESC" "Plant 100 bombs on enemy objectives" "DOD_BOMBS_DEFUSED_GRIND_NAME" "Artificiero" "[english]DOD_BOMBS_DEFUSED_GRIND_NAME" "Combat Engineer" "DOD_BOMBS_DEFUSED_GRIND_DESC" "Desactiva 100 bombas enemigas." "[english]DOD_BOMBS_DEFUSED_GRIND_DESC" "Defuse 100 enemy bombs" "DOD_ALL_PACK_1_NAME" "Héroe de guerra" "[english]DOD_ALL_PACK_1_NAME" "War Hero" "DOD_ALL_PACK_1_DESC" "Completa todos los logros." "[english]DOD_ALL_PACK_1_DESC" "Complete All Achievements" "FreezePanel_NoKiller" "Te han matado" "[english]FreezePanel_NoKiller" "You were killed" "FreezePanel_Killer" "Te ha matado" "[english]FreezePanel_Killer" "You were killed by" "FreezePanel_Killer_Dead" "Te ha matado el difunto" "[english]FreezePanel_Killer_Dead" "You were killed by the late" "FreezePanel_Nemesis" "Te ha vuelto a matar" "[english]FreezePanel_Nemesis" "You were killed again by" "FreezePanel_Nemesis_Dead" "Te ha vuelto a matar el difunto" "[english]FreezePanel_Nemesis_Dead" "You were killed again by the late" "FreezePanel_KillerHealth" "Salud restante: %s1" "[english]FreezePanel_KillerHealth" "Health left: %s1" "FreezePanel_NewNemesis" "¡Nueva némesis!" "[english]FreezePanel_NewNemesis" "New Nemesis!" "FreezePanel_GotRevenge" "¡Venganza!" "[english]FreezePanel_GotRevenge" "Revenge!" "FreezePanel_FreezeNemesis" "Némesis" "[english]FreezePanel_FreezeNemesis" "Nemesis" "FreezePanel_Callout" "Tú" "[english]FreezePanel_Callout" "You" "TF_freezecam_snapshot" "[%s1] ¡Recuerda este momento!" "[english]TF_freezecam_snapshot" "[%s1] Save this moment!" "Msg_Dominating" "está DOMINANDO" "[english]Msg_Dominating" "is DOMINATING" "Msg_Revenge" "se ha VENGADO de" "[english]Msg_Revenge" "got REVENGE on" "Scoreboard_Nemesis" "NÉMESIS" "[english]Scoreboard_Nemesis" "NEMESIS" "Scoreboard_Dominated" "DOMINADO" "[english]Scoreboard_Dominated" "DOMINATED" "DOD_BEAT_THE_HEAT_NAME" "Huye del Calor" "[english]DOD_BEAT_THE_HEAT_NAME" "Beat the Heat" "DOD_BEAT_THE_HEAT_DESC" "Gana una ronda en los mapas de temática invernal: Dod_Kalt y Dod_Colmar" "[english]DOD_BEAT_THE_HEAT_DESC" "Win a round on each of the winter themed maps: Dod_Kalt and Dod_Colmar" } }